'The grass that blows o'er English graves": the Great War and British visions of the Flemish landscape. – Mark Connelly
10 Sep

On Wednesday 10th of September, We welcome the return of Mark Connelly to our Hatfield Peverel venue.

This talk will look at various plans and suggestions to maintain Flanders in an attempt to keep alive the memory of the sacrifices and losses in that land Sacred to the British.

We meet from 7:30pm, for an 8pm start, in the room off the bar area at he the Hatfield Peverel Village Hall. We request an entrance donation of £3.50. There is free parking on-site and we have access to the bar facilities.

As with all of our talks we welcome all comers, not just members of the Western Front Association.

Village Hall, Hatfield Peverell, Maldon Road, CM3 2HP.
10 Sep 2025 20:00