Welcome to the Lancashire (North) branch of The Western Front Association.

The branch continues to meet every month at The Victoria Institute, 2-4 Brookhouse Road, Caton, Lancaster. LA2 9QT.


Change of Venue for May Meeting.

The May meeting will be held at the Lansil Club, Caton Road, LA1 3PE.

The Victoria Institute is closed for rewiring and we will return there after this is completed.

The Victoria Institute, image capture May 2019  (c) Google Maps

Meetings are usually held on the first Monday in the Month.  The only exception is when the Monday is a Bank Holiday and we then move the meeting to the Tuesday. 

The doors open at 7pm with the talk starting promptly at 7.30pm.

The talks are about one hour long with time for a Q&A session.  The meeting finishes with tea/coffee and biscuits with time to chat to the speaker and other attendees. 

The branch aims to cover many different aspects of the Great War.

Entrance donations of £5.00 are invited and this includes an entry into the raffle.  The prizes are a bottle of wine and several books on the Great War.

New attendees are always given a warm welcome.

Members of the Western Front Association and non-members are invited to join us.


Upcoming Branch Events

'Branch AGM 2024 and Members' Contributions'
02 Dec

'Branch AGM 2024 and Members' Contributions'

Victoria Institute, 2-4 Brookhouse Road, Caton, Lancaster LA2 9QT
02 Dec 2024 19:30

This year we are continuing with the traditional format of the AGM followed by members' contributions.  All members are invited to contribute and share any experience or bring along memorabilia and artifacts that they would like to share with the branch members.  If you have visited any sites or events that you feel are special in any way then p...

Event Details