Welcome to the Midlands (East) branch of the Western Front Association. 

You can keep up to date with an events listing and news from the Midland (East) branch on our Facebook Page.

We meet at St. Peter's Rooms, Ruddington on the second Friday of every month. Meetings start at 7.00pm, with the talk normally from 7.30pm.

Upcoming Branch Events

The Invisible Corps - Roy Larkin
09 Aug

The Invisible Corps - Roy Larkin

St Peters Rooms, Ruddington, Notts NG11 6HD
09 Aug 2024 19:30
0787 5156513

Roy will be making a return visit to Ruddington to talk his specialist subject, the Army Service Corps. In this talk he will give a brief overview of the Army Service Corps 1914-18, revealing a story of evolution, passing the buck and meddling civilians!  

Event Details
Three Days In The Great War - Dr Derek Clayton
13 Sep

Three Days In The Great War - Dr Derek Clayton

St Peters Rooms, Ruddington, Notts NG11 6HD
13 Sep 2024 19:30
0787 5156513

Derek may be familiar to people as the author of 'From Pontefract to Picardy', which looked at the 9th Battalion King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry in the Great War.However, 'Three Days in the Great War' is based on his MA Dissertation and examines the performance of the 49th Division in set-piece attacks on 3 September 1916 at Thiepval, 9 Octo...

Event Details
War In The Ukraine 1914 - 1924 - Major John Cotterill
11 Oct

War In The Ukraine 1914 - 1924 - Major John Cotterill

St Peters Rooms, Ruddington, Notts NG11 6HD
11 Oct 2024 19:30
0787 5156513

John is well known to branch members and has kindly agreed to deliver his talk on 'War in the Ukraine 1914 - 1924'. Ukraine, of course, remains in the news today, but John's talk will look at Ukraine involvement in the Great War, when it was in the front lines of two of the main combatants, Imperial Russia and Austria-Hungary, and then it compli...

Event Details