01 Mar
We're sure members of The WFA will be excited to learn of details of this conference in Canada. It will be held in Victoria B.C., Canada which runs from Friday evening (1st March) through to Sunday lunchtime (3rd March).
Details and registration is available on the Canada (Pacific Coast Branch) website.
In brief the conference will run as follows:
- Friday Evening from 6.00pm
- Saturday 8.00am (doors open) to 4.30pm
- Saturday Evening : Mess Dinner and beyond …
- Sunday 8.00am (doors open) to 12.40pm
The conference includes the following:
- Film, 'Ways We Remember War', Armoury Room 222
- 'The Forgotten General: The Life of Sir Percy Lake' with Scott Usborne
- 'The Meaning of Death Redefined: Fascist Theology Revealed at Redipuglia' with Mark McLain
- 'The Canadian Army Veterinary Corps' with Yvonne Van Ruskenveld
- 'Voices From the Past: First World War Collections at UVic’s Special Collections & University Archives' with Lara Wilson
- '"If All the Officers Were Shot”: The Importance of the First Contingent Commanders to the CEF' with Bill Stewart
- 'Keep Punching: The Three Lives of Red Dutton' with Susan Raby-Dunne
- 'Gallipoli Reconsidered' with David Jackson
- 'In the Footsteps of Heroes: The Royal Canadian Legion Foundation’s 1936 Pilgrimage of Remembrance' with William Stewart
- 'The American Battlefields Monuments Commission' with Mark McLain
- Video: Mark Connelly’s 'Official War Photography and Public Perception of the War', Armoury Room 222 introduced by John Azar
Canadian Scottish Regiment (Princess Mary’s) Officers’ Mess, Bay Street Armoury, Victoria, BC, Canada
CONFERENCE : 1st, 2nd, 3rd March Canada (Pacific Coast Branch), amacleod@wfapacificcoast.org
01 Mar 2024 18:00