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Search results for Andrea Hetherington.
British Widows of the First World War: The Forgotten Legion
By Andrea Hetherington Pen & Sword, £19.99, 174pp, hb, 23 ills, endnotes, bibliog and index. ISBN: 978–147–388–676–6 Andrea Hetherington’s book is a well–researched addition to the historiography of the Great War – of particular interest to social historians – on an aspect of the war upon which few dwell today. Yet, in 1919 there were som...
Ep. 59 – British Widows of the First World War – Andrea Hetherington
Andrea Hetherington talks about her new book British Widows of the First World War (published Pen and Sword). Your browser does not support the audio element.
Ep. 151 – Desertion in the UK during WW1 – Andrea Hetherington
Andrea Hetherington talks about her research into soldiers who deserted in Britain during the Great War. Your browser does not support the audio element. Image: Parliamentary Recruiting Committee Poster No.125. (c) IWM PSY 0314
The Unknown Warrior: A special magazine for members from The Western Front Association
On the evening of 10 November 1920 a train pulled into Platform 8 of London’s Victoria Station. An honour guard and deep reverence surrounded the arrival of the Unknown Warrior, somebody’s father, somebody’s son, a nameless everyman from the Western Front. The event itself has stirred the imagination ever since. The Warrior’s burial next day at...
ONLINE: WWI War Widows and Emigration with Andrea Hetherington
The presentation on WWI war widows with Andrea Hetherington will be live and online from The Western Front Association. Despite the explosion of interest in all things First World War during the centenary period the lives of Britain’s war widows remain largely unexplored. This talk by Andrea Hetherington looks specifically at the issue of war...
2022 Spring Conference and AGM
Programme for the day 9:30am Doors open. Teas/coffees 10.15am Welcome by the Chair 10.20am ‘Three Days at Marfaux: July 1918’ Second battle of the Marne. Innovation and improvisation on the battlefield with Fraser Skirrow 11,20am ‘A forgotten Navy: Fishermen’s involvement in the Great War’ with Dr. Robb Robinson 12:20pm Buffet Lunch 1:20pm ‘Sc...
Cork Conference on ‘Aspects of the Great War’
On 7 October 2023, the Cork Branch of The Western Front Association will be holding a one-day conference on ‘Aspects of the Great War’. As the title suggests, during the conference a panel of six leading academics and historians will examine different military, social and political aspects of the conflict. There will also be a display of artefac...
Cork Conference on ‘Aspects of the Great War’
On 7 October 2023, the Cork Branch of The Western Front Association will be holding a one-day conference on ‘Aspects of the Great War’. As the title suggests, during the conference a panel of six leading academics and historians will examine different military, social and political aspects of the conflict. There will also be a display of artefac...
William Walshaw – a man of many talents?
Introduction & Pension Cards The following saga originated from the discovery of a pension card featuring William Walshaw, a man who had evidently served under this name in the Kings Liverpool Regiment, the Manchester Regiment, the Royal Marines Band, and the Royal Navy; but with additional service in the Royal Horse Artillery under the name...