Search results for Andy Robertshaw.

REMINDER: Up Coming WFA National and Regional Conferences


  Suffolk : 11 August 2018 Suffolk 5th Annual Centenary Conference '1918 The Winning Formula'   Speakers: Peter Simkins, Jack Sheldon and Peter Hart Panel Discussion chaired by Taff Gillingham VENUE: University of Suffolk in Ipswich Purchase Tickets > HERE         Wolverhampton : 6-8 September 2018 WFA/University of Wolverhampton   Centena...

April Fools? The Formation Of The RAF with Andy Robertshaw


The renowned historian, author and TV presenter Andy Robertshaw makes a welcome return to the branch to present what has become his annual New Year talk to the branch. This year Andy presents a brand new talk all about the Royal Air Force which was formed 100 years ago on the 1st April 1918, when the Royal Flying Corps (RFC) and the Royal Naval...

FREE EVENT 'War Horse' : behind the scenes with the film's technical advisor Any Robertshaw 25 August at 5:30pm


Andy Robertshaw, two men in a trench, the historian famous for digging a First World War trench in a neighbour's back garden, will be appearing at Riverside Caravan Park this Sunday to give a talk about the making of the Stephen Spielberg film War Horse. Andy worked as the a technical advisor on the set and has named the evening “My eight week...

Digging the Trenches: The Archaeology of the Western Front.


Andy Robertshaw, David Kenyon Pen and Sword, £25.00, 207pp ills throughout, notes, index. ISBN 184415671-0. Since I have frequently been guilty of criticising the quality of Pen and Sword books, I feel bound to note that, quite apart from its fascinating content, this is the company’s best quality book for a long time. Clear typography is suppor...

Ep. 30 – Joseph Steward’s Platoon – Andy Robertshaw


Military historian Andy Robertshaw talks about the amazing account of Private Joseph John Steward’s military service in the 1/13 Battalion London Regiment during the Great War he edited (published by Pen & Sword, 2011). Your browser does not support the audio elemen...

'The Platoon in WWI' with Andy Robertshaw


'The Platoon' is based on the military experience of Joseph Johns Steward from 1916 to 1919 written between the end of the Great War and the outbreak of WW2. Sadly the typescript was not published in his lifetime, but a copy was handed to Andy Robertshaw who, with the assistance of Steve Roberts, edited and annotated this first hand account on...

Ep.246 – Centre for Experimental Military Archaeology and the Great War – Andy Robertshaw


Archaeologist, historian and author Andy Robertshaw talks about his work with the Centre for Experimental Military Archaeology (CEMA) at the Kent Event Centre in Detling. CEMA is the home of pan-historical experimentation concerning methods of military attack and defence, and of soldiers’ day-to-day lives, from the Roman period to the Second Wor...

Albert Perkins - Who Do We Think He Is?


Many members of The Western Front Association will no doubt enjoy watching the BBC’s long-running series ‘Who Do You Think You Are’ (WDYTYA) which is now into its 19th series. The research undertaken to unearth the stories of those relatives of the celebrities who served in the Great War is an obvious point of interest for WFA members. Probably...

'Bombs, Bullets and Bayonets – The Weapons of Trench Warfare' with Andy Robertshaw


Bombs, Bullets and Bayonets – The Weapons of Trench Warfare by Andy Robertshaw This month we welcome back a speaker who is well known to many of us.  Andy Robertshaw, historian, author and TV presenter will be talking about bombs, bullets and bayonets – the weapons of trench warfare.  Andy will be bringing along (inert!) examples of these weapon...

Hawthorn Ridge Crater Commemoration - 1st July 2024


One of the most iconic sequences of film footage from the First World War is undoubtedly Geoffrey Malin's capture of the Hawthorn Redoubt Mine being detonated at 7.20am on 1st July 1916 and the subsequent failure of the attack made by the 29th Division in the Beaumont Hamel area. The annual commemoration ceremony organised by the Hawthorn Ridge...