Search results for Barnsley.

The first footballer killed in 1914: Larrett Roebuck of Huddersfield Town


Huddersfield Town full-back Larrett Roebuck was the first professional footballer from the English Leagues to be killed in the First World War. This is his story... Larrett Roebuck was born at Jump, near Barnsley, in South Yorkshire, on 27 January 1889. By 1901 the Roebuck family had moved to Rotherham and were living in Barker's Yard, off the...

6 April 1916 : Pte Frank Bird


His parents were John (a colliery roadman underground) and Emily (née Thewils) of 29 Doncaster Road, Ardsley, nr Barnsley.  In 1901, age 12, living at 83 Doncaster Road, with his parents, siblings and 3 year old niece.  In 1911, age 22 Frank was still living with his parents, older brother Richard (a colliery labourer above ground) and younger...

27 August 1916 : L/Cpl. Frank Hall


Frank was the 7th of 9 surviving children of parents Charles (an engineer traveller) and Eliza Ann (née Fox) who died in April 1914. In 1911 the Halls lived in a 7 roomed dwelling - 103 King Street, Hoyland.  Frank went to Hoyland Grammar School until 14 and then Holgate Grammar School in Barnsley. He became a Pupil Teacher and went on to Shef...

Great Sacrifice. The Old Boys of Barnsley Holgate Grammar School in the First World War by Jane Ainsworth


720 pages Helion & Company (2016) ‘A memorial book like no other.’ ‘Great Sacrifice. The Old Boys of Barnsley Holgate Grammar School in the First World War’ is several books and a variety of types of book all in one: at its heart,  it is a ‘memorial book’ - the record of each of the 76 ‘boys’ featured on the war memorial that was unveiled at...

Tolkien’s “bitter winnowing” and the War Memorial at St. Augustine’s Church, Edgbaston


The war memorial at St. Augustine’s of Hippo - parish church of Edgbaston, Birmingham – is intriguing for several reasons.  Firstly, one of those listed on it was a school-friend of celebrated local author, J.R.R. Tolkien.  The other men inscribed on the monument also provide a revealing snap-shot of the socio-economic character of the district,...

Out Now. Bulletin 124. June 2023


Our June 2023 issue of Bulletin came out today. In this issue you will find the following news, features and articles.   Contents Page President’s Column 2 AGM - 22nd April - Minutes  3/5 German Capture of Fort Douaumont 6 ExCo Matters 6/7  The British West Indies Regiment. Race and Colour on the Western Front...