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038: Summer 1993


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Understanding the Ledger Indexing


This article aims to set out some of the technical aspects of the indexing of - and subcategories that make up - the 'ledgers' in The Western Front Association's collection of Pension Record Cards. These ledgers have been scanned and digitised by our partner, and are available on their fold3 website. These are now available for W...

Ep. 73 – Learning to Fight – Military innovation in the British Army 1914-1918 – Dr Aimee Fox


Dr. Aimee Fox, Lecturer in Defence Studies at King's College London, talks about her new book Learning to Fight. This looks at military innovation in the British Army during the First World War and is published by Cambridge University Press. You can read a review of 'Learning to Fight' here > 'Learning to Fight'...

Ep. 84 – The British Army on the Western Front in 1916 – Dr Spencer Jones


Scholar and author Dr Spencer Jones from the University of Wolverhampton talks about his new book, At All Costs, which looks at the British Army on the Western Front in 1916. This is published by Helion and Co. Your browser does not support the audio element....

Ep. 178 – Irish Recruitment in World War One – Dr Tim Bowman, Dr Michael Wheatley & Dr William Butler


Dr Timothy Bowman, a Reader in modern British military history, University of Kent, Dr William Butler, the Head of Military Records, The National Archives, UK and Dr Michael Wheatley, an independent researcher who writes on early twentieth century Irish politics, talk about their latest book, The Disparity of Sacrifice. This book examines the m...

Using the Red Cross Records as a Resource For Researching British Prisoners of War/George Henry Archer - The Story Behind a Postcard


Unfortunately Roger Penny will not be able to give his talk on the Battle of the Marne from the French perspective as previously advertised. Instead John Beech will be giving a talk on Prisoners of the First World War - Using The International Committee of the Red Cross Records as a Resource   Chris Preston will be giving a short talk on George...

Michael O’Brien - 'There were no neutrals in the Trenches'


In this talk Michael O'Brien will give an account of those American citizens who died fighting in the British Army during the Somme Campaign from July to November 1916. Members and non-members of The Western Front Association are equally welcome. Any new visitors are guaranteed a friendly atmosphere and a warm welcome from a group of like-minded...

Tim Halstead - Public Schools and the Junior Officer Corps of 1916


In this talk Tim Halstead will discuss the Public Schools and Junior Officer Corps of 1916. Members and non-members of The Western Front Association are equally welcome. Any new visitors are guaranteed a friendly atmosphere and a warm welcome from a group of like-minded enthusiasts.   

The Fighting Fifth and the First Attack at Bellewaarde Ridge 16 June 1915 - John Beech


Unfortunately the planned talk about Lt-Gen Sir Thomas D'Oyly Snow by Andy Lonergan has been cancelled.   Instead we will have a talk by our Branch Chairman, John Beech, entitled 'The Fighting Fifth and the First Attack at Bellewaarde Ridge 16 June 1915' which covers the attack made by 1st Battalion Northumberland Fusiliers on this date.   Membe...

'Soldiers & Their Horses - Horses & Their Soldiers’ - Dr. Jane Flynn


This talk focuses on the Soldier-Horse Relationship, 1914-1918. The War Office may only have seen a homogenous mass of men and horses, of numbers killed and the cost of their replacement, but to their 'owners' the horses were as much a part of the life of their units as their fellow men. Many soldiers fervently believed it was their horses to wh...

Our Christmas Lecture 'A new look at the morale of the British Army in the First World War' with Professor Gary Sheffields


The Branch is welcoming the Honorary President of the Western Front Association, Professor Gary Sheffield, BA MA PhD FRhistS who will discuss 'A new look at the morale of the British Army in the First World War'. Gary's presentation will be thought provoking, full of facts and a brilliant insight into the subject.    

Rodney Attwood - 'General Lord Rawlinson in the First World War'


This talk is based on Rodney's research for his biography of Rawlinson (General Lord Rawlinson: From Tragedy to Triumph) Rawlinson won praise from historians of the Western Front, such as C R M F Cruttwell, particularly for 4th Army's role in 'The Hundred Days' of 1918. A former colleague wrote on his death in 1925, 'His loss to the Army is abso...

Laugh or Cry: The British Soldier on the Western Front 1914-1918


Laugh or Cry: The British Soldier on the Western Front 1914-1918 Lively and supremely well informed, Peter Hart is a military historian specialising in the Great War. He was the Oral Historian at the Imperial War Museum from 1981 until his retirement and is the author of many Great War books. Here he is teamed up with his irrepressible collabora...

'Private John Parr of the Middlesex Regiment- the First British Soldier killed on the Western Front' a talk by Mick Crick


There is much speculation about Private John Parr, widely acknowledged to have been the first British soldier killed in combat in the First World War on the Western Front.  But there are many stories about him and what he did.  Mick Crick, who spent his entire working life with the Met Police, will reveal what is truth and what mere conjecture,...

'Leaders: the British Infantry NCO in the Great War; a Reappraisal' a talk by Dr Tom Greenshields


Based on the speaker's ongoing research, it is argued that studies of leadership and command in the Great War have concentrated too much on officers and failed to recognise adequately the crucial role played by NCOs. This slightly provocative talk aims to redress the balance and stimulate debate. Tom is a retired Civil Servant, having retired in...

A talk by Tom Greensheilds on ‘Leaders – the British Army NCO in the Great War – a reappraisal?’


This talk is based on Tom’s ongoing research.  He will argue that studies of leadership and the Great War have concentrated too much on officers and failed to recognise adequately the crucial role played by NCOs (Non-commissioned officers - usually sergeants and corporals). This slightly provocative talk aims to redress the balance and stimulate...

Three Days In The Great War - Dr Derek Clayton


Derek may be familiar to people as the author of 'From Pontefract to Picardy', which looked at the 9th Battalion King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry in the Great War.However, 'Three Days in the Great War' is based on his MA Dissertation and examines the performance of the 49th Division in set-piece attacks on 3 September 1916 at Thiepval, 9 Octo...

Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry On The Somme 1916 - Stephen Barker


Stephen will be returning to give his talk on 'The Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry on the Somme 1916' which highlights four significant battles of the campaign in which five Ox and Bucks LI battalions fought. The talk explains the political and military context, yet includes too a significant number of personal stories, anecdotes...