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033: Winter 1991
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The Heilsberg 39: A New British First World War Cemetery in Poland
Between August and December 1918 a number of British Prisoners of War died at Heilsberg Prisoner of War camp in the east of Germany. It is likely their deaths were a result of insufficient food, overwork or one of the diseases that often swept through these overcrowded and insanitary camps. Conditions in Germany at this time were harsh. Food was...
The Heilsberg 39: A New British First World War Cemetery in Poland
Between August and December 1918 a number of British Prisoners of War died at Heilsberg Prisoner of War camp in the east of Germany. It is likely their deaths were a result of insufficient food, overwork or one of the diseases that often swept through these overcrowded and insanitary camps. Conditions in Germany at this time were harsh. Food was...
January 2019
A belated Happy New Year to you all Looking at Newspapers for December 1918/January 1919 there were many familiar stories to be found. Families were still being informed of the deaths of their loved ones. In some cases, where the deaths had occurred in a hospital in the UK details of their funeral service were published. Influenza continued to...
March 2019
ESCAPERS ALL My thanks to those of you who came to February’s meeting and heard my talk ‘Escapers All’. It is still a work in progress, as the more one learns about some of the individuals the more difficult it becomes to stay within the time constraints of a talk. The questions were interesting and I was particularly challenged by the questi...
April 2019
RETURNING PRISONERS Returning prisoners had from as early as 1914 been an important source of information. In 1914 reports had confirmed the widespread ill-treatment of all those being transported to prison camps in Germany. The number of officers receiving such treatment ensured the authorities took action with a report being published in l...
March 2020
CORONAVIRUS In these very worrying times there has been much reference to wartime Britain. For most of us this is a new experience which is not without its challenges. I am still adjusting to the concept of self/social isolation, but it has at least provided the opportunity to get some research done, some of which I will share with you in this...
'Sam Sutcliffe's War 1918, POW and onwards to Peace Day 1919 by Phil Sutcliffe'
Sam Sutcliffe's War 1918, POW and onwards to Peace Day 1919 by Phil Sutcliffe Phil recounts his father's experience in the latter stages of the Great War. Phil does readings from his father Signaller Sam Sutcliffe's “Nobody Of Any Importance: A Foot Soldier's Memoir Of World War 1” and talks about him and the book by way of linking the pas...
Social Evening and WW1 POW Postcards Exhibition
Our December branch meeting will be a social evening with drinks and snacks available. Branch member Malcolm Cole has kindly offered to bring along his collection of WW1 POW postcards to show us and there will be a stand set up in the hall for members to browse and ask questions. As a Christmas special there will be a free book raffle. Ahead o...
‘Prisoners of War 1914-18’ by Adam Powell
‘Prisoners of War 1914-18’ by Adam Powell British POWs of the Great War have received nothing like the attention of World War II prisoners. There are no equivalent dramas like Colditz and the Great Escape in the public imagination. Yet a similar number of British POWs were captured by the Germans and the conditions they endured were at least as...