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Search results for Christina Holstein.
The Verdun Regiment. Into the Furnace: The 151st Infantry Regiment in the Battle of Verdun 1916
By Johnathan Bracken
Pen & Sword, £25.00, 269pp, hb, 30 ills, maps, notes, refs, bibliog and index.
ISBN: 978–152–671–029–1
The author is the president of a living history organisation dedicated to the French 151st Infantry whose home garrison was Verdun. Diverted from its annual summer manoeuvres several days before war was declared, the 15...
The French on the Somme: From Serre to the River Somme – August 1914 – 30 June 1916
Pen & Sword, £14.99, 234pp., softback, ills, maps, index, appendices, notes and refs, bibliog. ISBN: 978–152–672–240–9 This is the second of five books about the French Army on the Somme planned by David O’Mara. His first, covering the French action on the Somme in 1916, appeared in 2018 and provided an outstanding introduction to what is,...
123 : July 2021
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Ep. 221 – The Battle of Verdun 1917 – Christina Holstein
Historian and author Christina Holstein about her research into the 1916 Battle of Verdun during the Great War. Your browser does not support the audio element. SOmething
Ep. 225 - The Battle of Verdun 1917 and the battlefield today - Christina Holstein
Historian and author Christina Holstein about her research into the 1917 Battle of Verdun and the battlefield today. Your browser does not support the audio element.
A talk by Christina Holstein 'Verdun: The Left Bank'
Christina Holstein is a leading authority on the Battle of Verdun. For many years she lived close to the battlefield and has explored it in great detail. She regularly conducts tours of the battlefield for individuals or groups and, with her specialized knowledge of the terrain, has acted as consultant to a number of other historians, TV produc...
"The Battle of Verdun" by Christina Holstein
Formerly a long-time resident of Luxembourg, Christina knows the north eastern part of the Western Front very well, often conducting battlefield tours there. She has also written six notable books and has acted as a consultant and historian to numerous BBC documentaries. What was the thinking behind the German offensive of February 1916 and why...
Spring Conference and AGM 2023 : National Army Museum, London
Programme for the Day 9.30am Doors open – Teas Coffees 10.15am Welcome by the Chair 10.20am 'The British West Indian Regiment: Race and colour on the Western Front' by Dominiek Dendooven 11.20am 'Absent bodies and broken hearts: the Imperial War Graves Commission and the repatriation debate, 1915-1939” by Prof.Mark Connelly 12.30pm Sandwich...
'Verdun, August 1917 - The French hit back' by Christina Holstein
Caption: Côte 304 Verdun, after recapture by French troops, 24th August 1917 About the Talk: Contrary to popular opinion, the French army did not cease offensive operations after the disastrous Nivelle Offensive of spring 1917 and the subsequent mutinies. Nor did the fighting at Verdun come to an end in 1916. In reality, the successful French c...
Hoist with their own petard: The German capture of Fort Douaumont and its effect on the Battle of Verdun 1916
Hoist with their own petard: The German capture of Fort Douaumont and its effect on the Battle of Verdun 1916 – a Zoom talk by Chrtistina Noyes. The surprise capture of Fort Douaumont - at first sight a triumph - changed the offensive's centre of gravity and forced the Germans to extend the battle to the flanks, locking them into a deadly sloggi...
The German capture of Fort Douaumont 25 February 1916
Christina Holstein : The German capture of Fort Douaumont 25 February 1916 The surprise capture of Fort Douaumont was as much a triumph for the Germans as it was a shock for the French and its effect on the battlefield was immediate. For the next eight months the Germans fought to hold on to their prize despite constant bombardment, a massive in...