Search results for Doctor.

A Time to Die and a Time to Live  by Tom Scotland


A Disaster to Triumph: groundbreaking developments in care of the wounded on the western front 1914-18 by Tom Scotland Helion, £29.95pb 256pp., 90 ills, 8 maps, 25 tables, footnotes, bibliog, index.  ISBN: 978–191–162–874–3  [This review first appeared in Stand To ! No. 116] It appears there are few works on the topic of wartime medicine and its...

African American Doctors of World War I – The Lives of 104 Volunteers by W Douglas Fisher and Joann H Buckley


McFarland and Co., 2016, $45 US, 277pp, (2016 price, also available for Kindle £17.28 in 2021) illustrated, bibliog., index. ISBN: 9–781–476–623–177 [This review first appeared in the October 2016 edition of Stand To! No.107] When America formally entered the war in 1917 and a draft was established this draft would eventually include 400,000 Afr...

The Mountain War, A Doctor’s Diary of the Italian Campaign 1914 – 1918


By Dr Isaak A Barash Pen & Sword, 2021 £20.00, 220 pages, photographs and index ISBN 978–1–39909–310–1 [This book review first appeared in the April 2022 issues of Stand To! No.126] There are so few Austrian or Italian memoirs from the Italian Front translated into English that it’s refreshing to find this offering from Pen & Sword deta...