Search results for Dr Martin Purdy.

Ep. 114 – Chaplains and religion on the Western Front – Dr Martin Purdy


Dr Martin Purdy talks about chaplains and religion on the Western Front during the Great War. Your browser does not support the audio element.

Tragedy and Heroism in the Davidson Family in March 1916


On 28 March 1916, a pharmacist in Montrose, Scotland, dropped dead. The man’s wife duly wrote to the War Office to ask if her eldest son, Ronald, could be granted a short compassionate leave to come home from the Western Front and sort out his father’s business affairs as her two other sons were still of school age. Tragically, the widow’s appea...

The Original Long Distance Bombers of the First World War


Most of us are familiar with the RAF bombing campaigns of the Second World War, but few are aware that such cities as Cologne, Frankfurt, Mannheim and Stuttgart had already been targeted two decades earlier during the First World War. The reward for building an organisation like The Western Front Association on a foundation of reputable research...

Riding through the ruins of war on the Circuit des Champs de Bataille


In April 1919, barely six months after hostilities had ceased, the toughest bicycle race in history was staged across the former battlefields of the Western Front. It was an event that proved so hard it would never be staged again. To celebrate the 40th anniversary of The Western Front Association we have been dipping into the archives; what fo...

'God in the Front Line by Dr Martin Purdy'


God in the Front Line by Dr Martin Purdy.       A look at the historic debate/argument about the role of Army Chaplains in the Great War, and the popular claim (think Robert Graves etc.) that Roman Catholic clergy were more often seen in the front line than their Anglican counterparts.  This talk addresses the main themes head-on, and scrutinise...