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023: Summer 1988
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Robert Graves: From Great War Poet to Good–bye to All That, 1895–1929
By Jean Moorcroft Wilson Bloomsbury, £12.95, 460pp, 24 ills, list of abbreviations, notes, index. ISBN: 978–147–292–914–3 Prolific barely indicates the length and breadth of Robert Graves’ writing. The 2003 Penguin edition of his complete poems alone contains 837 pages and includes formerly un–published and posthumously published works. Since...
Her Privates We by Frederick Manning
There is an introduction from the author and poet Edmund Blunden; he describes ‘Her Privates We’ as a ‘new kind of candid, reflexive writing’. Ernest Hemingway loved the book. It had me thinking of Norman Mailer or Henry Miller. It is certainly from the same Pantheon as Erich Maria Remarque (All Quiet on the Western Front), Robert Graves (Goodby...
War Books by David Filsell 2005
War Books: A reflection on some contemporary views by David J. Filsell, for Stand To! No.74 September 2005 'Frightened of War Books' Although many books published in Britain during the Great War were propagandist, interest in 'war stories' remained at an extremely high level between 1914 and 1918. Only when the conflict ended did interest decli...