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035: Summer 1992
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Cyrus Peck, Piper Paul and the Canadian Scottish at Amiens
This article looks at one battalion's action on 8 August 1918, and is largely based on a chapter of the battalion's history by H.M.Urquhart, published in 1932. The battalion in question was the 16th Battalion, CEF the Canadian Scottish, a 'kilted' battalion which was led for a large part of the war by Lt-Col Cyrus Peck. It is fair to say he had...
David Cohen Former Chairman of The Western Front Association, Gallery Owner and War Art contributor
War Art (David Cohen) Introduction Deputy Chairman: [Stand To 14 Summer 1985] Chairman: [Stand To 19 Summer 1987] Retired as Chairman of The WFA - A tribute [Stand To 27 Winter 1989] Book Reviews for Stand To! No Man’s Land: A postwar sketch book by George Pratt (reviewed by David Cohen) [Stand To 38 Summer 1993] The Sculpture of Charles Sarge...
The Sculpture of Eric Kennington by Jonathan Black
Henry Moore Foundation in association with Lund Humphries 2004. Hardback, 112pp., £60. ISBN : 0 85331 823 9 In my talk on 'The Soldier in Art' I have mentioned how under-rated Eric Kennington is, when compared with some of his more illustrious contemporaries. In my opinion, Kennington was able to draw the humble 'squaddie' like no other artist:...
War Art with David Cohen
The late David Cohen made a huge contribution to The Western Front Association during his lifetime. He had a professional interest in the gallery he established 'David Cohen Fine Art' in 1984 featuring the work of artists and illustrators of the First World War, commemorative ware and ephemera. David Cohen was closed involved in the affairs of...