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Did Kitchener’s decision to raise his ‘New Armies’ carelessly wreck the pre-war plans to achieve smooth and effective British military expansion?
The Liberal Party, which had been in power since the General Election of 1906, was nervous of German expansionism and had, by 1914, edged Britain into a much closer relationship with Russia and France than had previously been the case. Brigadier-General Henry Wilson, who was appointed Director of Military Operations in 1910, has traditionally...
The Use of Wireless at the Battle of Amiens 8 - 11 August 1918
The Use of wireless at the Battle of Amiens 8 - 11 August 1918 Author: Andy Powell MA A dissertation submitted as part of the requirements for the degree of MA in British First World War Studies at the University of Birmingham. This work won the WFA's prize for the best dissertation of 2013 which was awarded at the WFA President's Conference of...
To what extent and why did the voluntary ethic characterise Winchester's response to war in 1914 and 1915?
THE UNIVERSITY OF BIRMINGHAM DEPARTMENT OF WAR STUDIES 'To what extent and why did the voluntary ethic characterise Winchester's response to war in 1914 and 1915?' Dissertation for MA in British First World War Studies. September 2015. Derek Whitfield LIST OF CONTENTS List of Abbreviations List of Tales Glossary of Plates...
Tommy Capper's 'Immortals' : How effective was the 7th Division at the 1st Battle of Ypres?
University of Birmingham, , 4th August 2014 'Tommy Capper's Immortals' : How effective was the 7th Division at the 1st Battle of Ypres?” Major-General Thompson Capper, C.B., D.S.O. The Immortal 7th Division…. For Dad 1921-2014 'Tommy Capper's Immortals' How effe...
How Far was the Shells Crisis of 1915 Exploited by David Lloyd George for his own Political Gain?
[This article is by 17-year old Jack Moyse and is based on his essay which was the runner-up for the Colin Hardy Memorial Prize. Jack is still (in 2021) a pupil at Portsmouth Grammar School.] There is no doubt that a national crisis like a war, or a pandemic like the ongoing COVID-19 outbreak, places immense pressure on politicians to perform an...