Search results for First Battle of Ypres.

31 July 1917 : Inf. Sebastian Scheugenpflug


He was a grocer. A recalled reservist in August 1914, he first saw action during the First Battle of Ypres in October 1914. He was a veteran of the Battles of Fromelles, the Somme and Arras through 1915 to 1917. He was killed in action by shrapnel to the head on 31st July 1917 – the opening day of the Third Battle of Ypres. Sebastian was buri...

The Disaster at Hooge


One of the most frequently heard misconceptions about the First World War is that British and Commonwealth generals and their staff officers shared neither the hardships nor the dangers of the average front line soldier. The excellent Bloody Red Tabs by WFA members Frank Davies and the late Graham Maddocks has been an important rebuttal of these...

Ep. 174 – Ypres and its meaning through time – Prof Mark Connelly & Dr Stefan Goebel


Professor Mark Connelly, Professor of Modern British History, University of Kent and Dr Stefan Goebel, Reader and Director of the Centre for the History of War, Media and Society, University of Kent, talk about their recent book on Ypres. This is published by OUP. Your brow...

A talk by John Tanner 'Nonne Boshchen - 11 November 1914'


This talk explores the day the Prussian Guard almost broke the BEF line at Ypres. They were halted by XLI Brigade Royal Field Artillery firing over open sights, supported by their drivers and gunners acting as infantry, until a counter-attack by the 52nd Light Infantry and 5th Field Coy. Royal Engineers, restored the line. John Tanner's life...