Search results for First Ypres.

100: June 2014 Special Edition


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13 February1915 : Pte Frederick George Hubbard


Parents Alfred and Lucy Jane (née Dews). Frederick was a scholar at Fulham Congregational Sunday School up til the time of his enlisting.   Enlisted 1909, stationed Aldershot for nearly two years, during which time he was one of the Special Guard outside Buckingham Palace at the funeral of the late King Edward. In the same year when King Georg...

The Indian Corps on the Western Front by Simon Doherty and Tom Donovan


Richly illustrated throughout, with clear maps and explanatory plans, many contemporary black and white photographs and a wealth of recent photographs on the ground, as well as colour illustrations, The Indian Corps on the Western Front makes an excellent companion to a trip along that stretch of the Western Front taken over by the Indian Army i...

Tommy Capper's 'Immortals' : How effective was the 7th Division at the 1st Battle of Ypres?


University of Birmingham, , 4th August 2014 'Tommy Capper's Immortals' : How effective was the 7th Division at the 1st Battle of Ypres?” Major-General Thompson Capper, C.B., D.S.O.                             The Immortal 7th Division….                             For Dad                         1921-2014     'Tommy Capper's Immortals' How effe...

ONLINE: The Demon Saves the Day: Charles FitzClarence VC and the First Battle of Ypres 1914 with Spencer Jones


The presentation will be live and online.  In October and November 1914 the British Expeditionary Force was locked in desperate combat at the First Battle of Ypres, proportionately the bloodiest battle fought by the BEF in the entire war. Individual officers played a crucial role in this inferno. This lecture by Dr Spencer Jones studies the ca...

A talk by John Tanner 'Nonne Boshchen - 11 November 1914'


This talk explores the day the Prussian Guard almost broke the BEF line at Ypres. They were halted by XLI Brigade Royal Field Artillery firing over open sights, supported by their drivers and gunners acting as infantry, until a counter-attack by the 52nd Light Infantry and 5th Field Coy. Royal Engineers, restored the line. John Tanner's life...