Search results for Gavrelle.

Nobody of any importance: a Foot Soldier’s Memoir of World War I


Reviewed by Michael Lucas. Nobody of any Importance is a lengthy and detailed account, written from memory, in the 1970s, from early childhood to age 21, with 50 pages of editorial notes. Sam Sutcliffe enlisted at 16 in September 1914, trained as a signaller, went to Gallipoli and fought at Suvla, with 2/1st Londons (Royal Fusiliers -29th Divisi...

A Visitor’s Guide, the Battles of Arras: North: Vimy Ridge to Oppy Wood and Gavrelle


Pen & Sword, 2019, £14.99, 192pp, b/w ills, maps, appendices, index. ISBN: 978–147–389–303–0 As all Western Front Association members know, engaging with the battlefields of the First World War is a fascinating experience. The landscape of the Western Front is the last witness to the conflict, and regardless of the degree of restoration, it...

ONLINE VIRTUAL TOUR #4 'Street Fighting Sailors: The Royal Naval Division at Gavrelle, April 1917'


This digital virtual tour of the Arras battlefield will 'go live' on 27 January 2022 at 7.30pm UK time. (There is no pre-registration for this event) Following its experiences at Gallipoli and on the Somme the Royal Naval Division were tasked with the capture of Gavrelle on the 23 April 1917. This tour will follow the Division through this opera...