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106: July 2016 Special Edition
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31 July 1917 : Lt Col Edgar Robert Mobbs DSO
Edgar Mobbs was born 29 June 1882, in Northampton, the son of Oliver L and Elizabeth Anne Mobbs. He did not make his school's First XV, preferring hockey at the time. Mobbs took up Rugby when his family moved to Olney in North Buckinghamshire. He first played for Olney in 1903 and then for the Weston Turks before moving to Northampton and playin...
Guillemont, 3 September 1916 Tactics and Insights
‘Not a Single Blade of Grass...’ by Sebastian Laudan [This article first appeared in Stand To! No.106 July 2016 Special Edition]. In 1926 Oberstleutnant aD (Lieutenant Colonel, retired) Wilhelm Nau published the last volume of a series of books covering the participation of the infantry regiment he had been serving with in Belgium and France thr...
A Cockney Soldier and the Great War: Corporal William Charles Blumsom MM
Like so many that have an abiding fascination with the First World War, my interest was kindled when I learned that a relative had served in the conflict – in my case, my grandfather. I never knew him; he had died a quarter of a century before I was born. Inspired by family lore, I embarked upon an almost lifelong quest to reconstruct his life....
Commemoration at the Ginchy Cross in Guillemont - 1st July 2024
On the 1st of July 2024, there will be an Act of Remembrance to commemorate the 108th anniversary of The Battle of the Somme at the Ginchy Cross, Guillemont, France at 4.30pm. The 16th (Irish) Division went into action here in September 1916, suffering over 4,300 casualties and the memorial is inscribed in Gaelic “Do chum Gloire De agus Onora na...