Search results for I Was There.

I Was There!: Latest video now available


The latest videos from the 'I Was There!' series have been very well received, with Episode 29 ('The Immortal Story of 'L' Battery') having over 55,000 views (and counting). The statistics on other videos are also excellent, with an earlier video (Episode19: The Unseen Killers at Le Cateau) surging in the last day or so to over 12,000 views.  Th...

I Was There: Aerial Adventure on Aisne and Marne, by Lt Col L A Strange


We continue to work on the reminiscences of 'old soldiers' published in the 1939 publication 'I Was There!' and publish these as new videos on our YouTube channel.  The most recent video is entitled 'Aerial Adventure on Aisne and Marne, by Lt Col L A Strange'. In this episode, Col Strange gives a magnificently vivid account of aerial adventure...

I Was There: 'The Antwerp Adventure'


We are delighted to announce that a new 'chapter' of recordings has just been started, with a new 'playlist' being created on our YouTube channel. The next (short) chapter covers what was called in the original 'I Was There!' publication 'The Antwerp Adventure'.  The first video in this new chapter is entitled 'We brought Succour to Belgium' by...