Search results for Iraq.

Britain’s Quest for Oil, The First World War and the Peace Conferences


Reviewed by Chris Robinson. Britain’s Quest for Oil, charts the awakening and development of Britain’s military, diplomatic and commercial imperatives to secure oil supplies. In this reviewer’s experience, little of this complex story has been told to date, at least for the general reader. The industrial nature of the Great War was obvious to s...

'No Parades' – A song for the end of the World War I


Members of The Western Front Association might be interested in a new song, commissioned by 'Away from the Western Front', a charity which is looking at the First World War outside Western Europe – in Egypt, Palestine, Syria, Iraq, Macedonia, Libya, Tanzania and many other countries. The song is called ‘No Parades’.   It is in the style of a so...

General Maude and the Recapture of Kut


With temperatures ranging from freezing to 130ºF (50ºC) the campaign in Mesopotamia (modern day Iraq) was undertaken in one of the most inhospitable climates imaginable. Despite being a side-show to the main battles of the First World War in France and Belgium, the Mesopotamian campaign lasted virtually the entire period of the war. A mission ha...

The Road to Sheik Sa’ad


On the outbreak of war, the 1st Battalion of the Seaforth Highlanders were in India but were ordered to move to France, in the Dehra Dun Brigade, Meerut Division of the Indian Corps, under the command of Lieutenant General Sir James Willcocks. Above: Sir James Willcocks and his personal staff in the garden at his headquarters at Merville, Franc...