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094: May 2012


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095: September 2012


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Crossing No Man’s Land. Experience and Learning with The Northumberland Fusiliers in the Great War


Reviewed by Bob Wyatt. Crossing No Man’s Land is the 17th in Helion’s acclaimed series of Wolverhampton Military Studies. It publication was preceded by three articles by the author which appeared in the Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research. These preliminary writings covered the regiment’s deployment on the Somme, the Territorial...

Placing the Battle of Messines Ridge in context by Peter Simkins


This is the Foreword to Ian Passingham's Pillars of Fire. The Battle of Messines Ridge June 1917 by Peter Simkins  For the British Dominion divisions serving on the Western Front under Field Marshal Sir Douglas Haig, 1917 was a year of transition and mixed fortunes. In the collective folk-memory of Britain, Australia, Canada and New Zealand the...

The Evolution of Victory - British Battles on the Western Front 1914-1918 by Andy Simpson


1995 Hardback Publisher T.Donovan 152pp £17.95 ISBN 1 87108519 5 [This review first appeared in the September 1996 edition of Stand To! No. 47] The fighting on the Western Front means different things to different people. For the majority of the population, it is a terrible, apparently senseless event, essentially outside normal history; a pheno...

Virtual Tour #2: Aubers 1915. Deadlock, Disappointment and Disaster in Flanders


The second of the new season of 'Virtual Tours' is now available.  Essentially, Aubers was a one day battle, in the form of a pincer attack at Richebourg in support of the French attacks at Vimy and Notre Dame de Lorette.  Described as both  an “unmitigated disaster” and “a serious disappointment” by the Official Historians,  100 years on we fin...

Ep.250.pt2 – The Western Front – Prof Nick Lloyd


Dr Nick Lloyd, Professor of Modern Warfare at King’s College London, talks about his recent book The Western Front. Your browser does not support the audio element. He considers the impact of the learning process/curve, why the All...

Tanks and Storm Troopers : British and German Solutions to the Deadlock on the Western Front by A D Harvey


(This article first appeared in the June 2020 edition of Stand To! Number 118 pp.10-14.) By 1916 both sides were seeking a solution to the stalemate which had developed on the Western Front as a result of the almost insuperable advantage enjoyed by garrisons in carefully constructed defences over enemy troops attacking across prepared fire zones...