Search results for Machine Gun.

006: Winter 1982:


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How a Stockton man won the VC


Ted Cooper writes how his granda won the VC. Edward Cooper was born in Stockton on the 4th May 1896. He left school at the age of 13 and by 1914 he was selling fruit for the Co-operative Society.  When war was declared, many of the Co-op’s horses were commandeered by the army and Ned was unable to work. He was put on an early holiday, during wh...

British Medical Casualties on the Western Front : Wound Induced Trauma Related to Technological Advances in War


British Medical Casualties on the Western Front in the Great War Part 2: Wound Induced Trauma Related to Technological Advances in War by Dr David Payne Introduction It has been said that the infantry soldier of the British Expeditionary Force (BEF) went to war on the Western Front dressed and armed like a game-keeper from an English or Scottish...

With a Machine Gun to Cambrai by George Coppard


188pp., paperback. £3.95.  Macmillan/Papermac. [This 'review' first appeared in Stand To! No.17 Summer 1986] Originally published in 1969, this is a reprint of the revised edition of 1980. An excellent first- hand account of the life of a machine-gunner on the Western Front. George Coppard 25 January 1898 to 17 February 1985  George Coppard was...

We are delighted to announce the publication of Stand To! No.131


Stand To 131 Contents Page Editor’s Introduction 2 AIF Machine Gun Tactics – Bullecourt 1917 by Greg O’Reilly 2–9 The Camera Returns (112) by Bob Grundy and Steve Wall 10–11 Success and Failure XIII Corps and VIII Corps 1 July 1916: An artillery perspective by Richard Smith  12-19  A Coalition of Dissenting Voic...