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Search results for Malaria.
077: September 2006
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078: January 2007
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Malaria in the Great War
A 1946 map by kind permission of the World Health Organisation) Malaria in the Great War by Dr David Payne (This article first appeared in Stand To! No.77 September 2006 pp5 - 8) Introduction Throughout history pestilence has been the cause of the majority of the casualties of war. In general, the Great War proved to be an exception, with a rat...
Finding Great Uncle George
The following message from David Jenkins relates to the way the Pension Records can help find 'missing' relatives who were thought to have served in the First World War. As a First World War genealogist I must say a big thank you to you and your organisation for the work that you have put into getting the Pension Ledger records made available...
23 June 1917 : Pte Sidney Crossley
Parents Herbert (a dock foreman working for a canal company) and Ellen (a cotton weaver). One of only two children at the Census in 1901 and living at 29 Greenshaw Street, Burnley. Ten years later parents and two children are now living at 134 Everly Street, Nelson. Both Sidney (age 20) and his sister Annie (15) were weavers in a local mill. S...
"Mountains, Mules and Malaria, Soldiering with the British Salonika Force 1915-1918" by Alan Wakefield
Alan is currently Head of First World War & Early 20th Century Conflict curatorial team at the IWM. He is a member of the British Commission for Military History and chairs the Salonika Campaign Society. Alan writes and lectures on various aspects of military history, with particular emphasis on the First World War and over the past decade h...