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Search results for Medals.
Ops Night: Medals of the Royal Flying Corps & the Royal Air Force, a talk by Mark Smith (19-7-2018)
That great friend and supporter of the Branch, Mark Smith, stepped in at fairly short notice to give us a fascinating and entertaining talk on the medals of the RFC and RAF, in this the one hundredth anniversary of the formation of the Royal Air Force. Drawing on his legendary and encyclopedic knowledge of the subject, Mark took us through the e...
Medal Index Cards
During the late part of the First World War the Army Medal Office began a system of making out an index card for each individual soldier (officers and other ranks). This was in order to create a record of the individual's entitlement to campaign medals and gallantry medals. The Medal Index Card which were created include some or all of the foll...
In Which They Served by Richard Cullen
£25.00, Unicorn, London, 2020, 336pp hardback, ills throughout, 9 maps. Notes sources and index. ISBN 978 1 9134 9103 1 [This review first appeared in the July 2021 issue of Stand To! No.123]. This unusual book is about five very different people told through the story of their medals. The author started collecting medals as a schoolboy, but i...
Out Now! Stand To ! No. 125 January 2022
From the Editor Welcome to the first edition of Stand To! for 2022. As I write this in late December, COVID–19 is still running wild, the Omicron variant the latest to threaten us. France (and most of Europe) has closed its borders with the UK and travelling abroad is off the cards again. Who knows what the next 12 months will bring? I hope bet...
125: January 2022
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Ep.254 – 1919 Peace Day Mugs & Medals – Giles Penman
Historical researcher Giles Penman, studying at the University of Warwick, talks about his research into the use of Roman and Ancient Greek imagery on the 1919 Peace Day mugs and medals. Your browser does not support the audio element....
Belgian and French Agents behind Enemy Lines - a talk by Alan Seldon
Whilst the British War medal which was issued to British military personnel is one of the most common medals ever awarded those presented to Belgian and French civilians living in German occupied territory who were 'enrolled' into the British Army are much rarer. This talk will look at how this 'enrollment' came about and then consider a number...
The First World War story of Captain A.D. Blair, Harley Couper's great-grandfather.
At the back of my parents' wardrobe sat a pirate's chest. It would grumble and sigh camphor when opened, hinting at distant lands and adventures. The pirate was Captain A.D. Blair, my great-grandfather. His adventures, my mother hinted, included smuggling guns in the Middle East, sailing the seas with a pet lion aboard, and earning a medal from...
The First Royal Naval VC goes under the hammer
A collection of Great War medals, including the first Victoria Cross awarded to a sailor, is expected to fetch £2m at auction. Captain Henry Peel Ritchie earned the VC in 1914. His group of medals is expected to fetch as much as £260,000. Above: Captain Ritchie VC Capt. Ritchie received eight wounds in less than half an hour whilst he endeavour...