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Search results for Memory.
The Great War, Memory and Ritual: Commemoration in the City and East London, 1916-1939
Book review by James Brazier. This is the latest volume in The Royal Historical Society's Studies in History series. The book's author, Dr Mark Connelly, is Reuters Lecturer in Media History at the University of Kent and has given talks to a number of Western Front Association Branches in the south east on Great War British and Canadian war arti...
‘1918-2018: The End of the War and the Re-Shaping of a Century’ 6-8 September
‘1918-2018: The End of the War and the Re-Shaping of a Century’ This important and unique conference will be taking place between the 6-8 September 2018 at the University of Wolverhampton. Seven keynote addresses from some of the leading academic authorities on the First World War and its aftermath will be at the heart of the conference, alon...
Publishers, Readers and the Great War: Literature and Memory since 1918
Publishers, Readers and the Great War: Literature and Memory since 1918 £84, Bloomsbury Academic, 272pp, 15 ills -in page -index notes and refs, bibliog. ISBN 978 1 4742 9149 1 Vincent Trot Yes. Publishers, Readers and the Great War, is an academic work. Its price is academic and unfriendly. No doubt, sales to bejewelled libraries of universit...