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Search results for OTC.
22 February 1915 Lieut. Henry Francis Heatly
Henry's parents were artist Henry Heatly and Kate Heatly (née Simmonds) of 89, Tufnell Park Road, London. Henry attended University College School, where he was the best shot, shooting for the school three successive years in the Ashburton Competition at Bisley and then London University. Both at school at university Henry took a great intere...
Tragedy and Heroism in the Davidson Family in March 1916
On 28 March 1916, a pharmacist in Montrose, Scotland, dropped dead. The man’s wife duly wrote to the War Office to ask if her eldest son, Ronald, could be granted a short compassionate leave to come home from the Western Front and sort out his father’s business affairs as her two other sons were still of school age. Tragically, the widow’s appea...
Addison Barnes Perrott Hadden MC - South Irish Horse in the First World War
For many years, I have had in my sewing basket the buttons from the uniform of the South Irish Horse and the cap badge of the Officer Training Corps (OTC)from Trinity College Dublin. These were given to me by my grandmother with reference to my grandfather, “who had received a medal” in the First World War. She did not describe what he had done....