Search results for Pension Record Card.

Understanding the Ledger Indexing


This article aims to set out some of the technical aspects of the indexing of - and subcategories that make up - the 'ledgers' in The Western Front Association's collection of Pension Record Cards. These ledgers have been scanned and digitised by our partner, and are available on their fold3 website. These are now available for W...

'The Lost Raiders Found': The Tyneside Scottish at Armentières


During the Great War trench raids were perceived as an operational necessity in order to dominate No Man's Land, to take prisoners and to ensure British and empire troops retained an offensive spirit. These raids frequently came at a heavy cost in lives and,  if care was not taken, could result in identification being provided to the enemy  -  t...

Official correspondence following a death in the Great War – Private Cornelius Hayes, Cheshire Regiment


The improved availability of online records has made tracing of the life and service of a Great War soldier relatively easy compared to the situation only a few years ago. The records available from free and commercial websites include Medal Roll Index Cards, for every soldier who served overseas.  The Campaign Medal and Silver War Badge Rolls...

Pension Record Cards and Ledgers - how they fitted in to the bigger picture (part 3)


This is the third of three article intended to show what is available at The National Archives ('TNA') at Kew in the PIN26 series. As has been detailed in the first article and expanded on in the second article, PIN26 provides an insight into the soldiers' files from the Great War which have been destroyed, but which are referenced in the WFA's...

Pension Record Card Project 'Hometown' and The French Connection


While working on The Western Front Association's ‘Big Push’ project, my wife (Management) was adding addresses to the index in Ancestry’s Fold3 and came across this Pension Record Card for Beasey E J – it posed an interesting problem as the address appeared to be Villa Naunanuna, Braulis-sur-mer, France. A simple google search for this rather ob...

Submarine operations at Gallipoli in 1915


When we think about submarine warfare in the First World War, most people’s thoughts turn to the German use of unrestricted submarine warfare, this being was one of the factors that ultimately brought about the entry of the USA into the war in 1917. The British and Empire nations’ use of submarines is largely a forgotten subject. However, during...