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Evidence in Camera. A cautionary tale by Dr A J Peacock
[The following article first appeared in the third edition of Stand To! December 1981 pp3-6. Western Front Association Members will increasingly have access to many, and eventually all past issues of Stand To!] During the 1980-81 academic year, the Extra-Mural Department of the University of Hull sponsored a short course on World War One. As a r...
Revist 'The Camera Returns' (47) Beaucourt-en-Santerre with Google Street View
The Camera Returns (47) Beaucourt-en-Santerre. Original research by Steve Wall and Bob Grundy. Travel the roads of the Western Front in the footsteps of Steve Wall and Bob Grundy courtesy of Google Street view. See for yourself how Steve and Bob have kept returning over the last 30 years to the very place where an photograph of the First World W...
The Camera Returns No.56 by Steve Wall and Bob Grundy
This item first appeared in Stand To! No. 74 September 2005 p.54. All these articles can be enjoyed by WFA Members using their Member Login and then browsing the entire Stand To! Archive of 116 publication. Taken on a clear October morning in 1918, this fairly well-known photograph, IWM Q7111, [Top Image of Two] shows men of the 20th Bn, Ma...
Ep. 46 – Photographing the Fallen – Jeremy Gordon-Smith
Jeremy Gordon-Smith talks about his new book Photographing the Fallen (published by Pen & Sword) on his great uncle Ivan Bawtree, who was a photographer with the Graves Registration Unit on the Western Front during the Great War. Your browser does not support the au...
Ernest Brooks and the photograph of The 'Forty Thieves'
With recent developments in technology, the colourisation of monochrome images from the Great War has come on in leaps and bounds. The obvious example is the film 'They Shall Not Grow Old' by Peter Jackson. Others have been doing similar work but obviously on a much smaller scale. One example of this is an excellent image of the famous photograp...
German Memorials on the Western Front
One of the consequences of the German occupation of France during the First World War was that their occupation became formalised with the establishment of well constructed laagers and camps. Often these became associated with specific units which were based there for months and even years and, as a consequence, the units sought to create a sens...
The Stories That Men Tell
When I first started working on my photographic project Fields of Battle, Lands of Peace in 2005 I was given two pieces of advice by the late, great Professor Richard Holmes. The first was to ensure that every picture told a story about the location and secondly to avoid being ‘an over-emotional Celt’. The latter was easy as I myself wanted to g...
Celebration the 100th Edition of 'The Camera Returns'
Celebrating its 100th instalment over 33 years, ‘The Camera Returns’ has become the most enduring feature of the journal of The Western Front Association. In Stand To! 17, summer 1986, Mr R.B Grundy had an article published entitled ‘Q744’. Imperial War Museum Q744 is the well known photograph of the 1st Lancashire Fusiliers apparently fixing b...
For the Fallen - the Commonwealth War Graves Commission in many lands
Whilst it is unimaginable for any battlefield tour not to include at least one cemetery, the sad fact is that all too often many commercial tours degenerate into simple ‘ABC tours’ (‘Another bloody cemetery’) which follow a predictable list of cemeteries and specific graves. Obviously these graves have a story attached but the range and variety...
The Camera Returns No.26 by Bob Grundy and Steve Wall
[This article first appeared in Stand To! No.44 in September 1995. Members receive the magazine three times a year and have access to the entire archive.] Views of the battlefield after the third Battle of Ypres, 1917. A soldier look across devastated country near Ypres showing a derelict Mark IV Tank, shell-splintered trees and general batt...
The Camera Returns No.25 by Steve Wall and Bob Grundy
A battery of 18-pounder guns of the Royal Field Artillery moving up towards Mailly-Maillet to meet the German advance, 26 March 1918 (IWM Q8631) [] The view in 1984 outside Maily-Maillet looking towards Forceville. © Steve Wall and Bob Grundy Google Street View. D1...
The Camera Returns (19) Chinese Labour Corps, Noyelles-Sur-Mer by Bob Grundy and Steve Wall
[This article first appeared in Stand To! No.36 Winter 1992. The authors, Bob Grundy and Steve Wall have since complete 100 editions of 'The Camera Returns' which feature in every edition of Stand To! to the present day. Members of The Western Front Association are able to view all previous editions in the Stand To archive as part of their membe...
The Camera Returns (13) Mailly Maillet by Bob Grundy and Steve Wall
[This article first appeared in Stand To! No.31 Spring 1991. Members of The Western Front Association received this magazine three times a year and have access to the entire digital archive online]. Whippet Tanks of the 3rd Battalion at Maillet-Mailly. The advancing infantry are of the New Zealand Division. © IWM Q 9821...
Captain Prideaux and his Box Brownie at Ploegsteert
Photography had already established itself as a popular hobby by the time of the Great War, and ‘The Brownie’ series had brought the concept of ‘snap shots’ to the masses. Despite this, the number of informal photos taken during the conflict remained small. There were, of course, obvious risks in allowing photographs to be taken by your troops -...
First World War Photographers by Jane Carmichael
167pp, many illustrations. Casebound. Routledge. £16.95. (1989 pricing) Second hand copies available for under £5 (2021) ISBN 0 415 01009 8. [This review first appeared in the Winter 1989 edition of Stand To ! No.27 - less this selection of photographs] The author has been Keeper of the Department of Photographs at the Imperial War Museum sinc...
ONLINE: The Foreign Fields that are Forever England - The CWGC around the World
The presentation will be live and online. Apologies. This presentation had to be postponed because of technical problems. We have rescheduled it for Monday 4th July and the NEW link to join this event is shown below. Click here to register for this event >> The foreign fields that are forever England - the CWGC around the world Please no...
Ep.261a – In the Centennial Footsteps of the Great War – Attila Szalay-Berzeviczy
In this special podcast, Dr Tom Thorpe talks to historian and photographer Attila Szalay-Berzeviczy about the launch of his book In the Centennial Footsteps of the Great War. Your browser does not support the audio element. The two-v...
ONLINE: ‘The whole picture is realistic of battle : official war photography and public perceptions of the war' with Mark Connelly
The presentation with Prof Mark Connelly will be live and online. It will explore the work of the key photographers on the Western Front, the different attitudes of the imperial governments and the effects on the viewing public. Further, it will show that the old cliché that the home front did not understand the actual conditions in the trench...
'No.16 Squadron RFC - The Great War History of an Army Cooperation Squadron' with Colin Buxton
Colin Buxton's presentation covers the history of the Army Cooperation role seen through the experiences of one unit: No.16 Squadron, Royal Flying Corps. From early in the war, until its conclusion, the squadron flew many dangerous and demanding missions over the Western Front - including Artillery Spotting, Reconnaissance, Photography and Cont...