Search results for Religion.

'The Centenary of the Battle of the Somme 1916' reflections by Rev. Dr Robert Beaken


‘A slightly amended version of this article first appeared in the Church Times'. I once met an old lady in a parish in Sheffield who had been a schoolgirl in that city at the beginning of the battle of the Somme on 1 July 1916. She remembered playing in the street with other children a few days later when the postman arrived and delivered letter...

Pending Advice > 1 May : A World Aflame - Illuminating new perspectives on the Great War


Contact the organisers closer to the time to know if this event is going ahead or not.   70 million men served in the First World War. Countless millions more lives were affected, whether through munitions production, medical services or familial ties. This FREE student-run conference will bring together current research on non-military historie...

Ep. 114 – Chaplains and religion on the Western Front – Dr Martin Purdy


Dr Martin Purdy talks about chaplains and religion on the Western Front during the Great War. Your browser does not support the audio element.

'God in the Front Line by Dr Martin Purdy'


God in the Front Line by Dr Martin Purdy.       A look at the historic debate/argument about the role of Army Chaplains in the Great War, and the popular claim (think Robert Graves etc.) that Roman Catholic clergy were more often seen in the front line than their Anglican counterparts.  This talk addresses the main themes head-on, and scrutinise...

Simon Called Peter by Robert Keable


Simon Called Peter by Robert Keable  Published 1921 Simon Cape  In ‘Flower of Battle’ (reviewed elsewhere) literary historian Hugh Cecil expounds on the qualities of twelve largely forgotten novelists who wrote fictional accounts, albeit closely following their own First World War experiences; these were published in the 1920s and 1930s. Some so...

‘Robert Keable, utterly immoral WW1 chaplain?’


When Robert Keable’s First World War novel ‘Simon Called Peter’ was published, critics called it ‘offensive’, ‘a libel’ and reeking of ‘drink and lust’. Despite this the novel became a huge international best-seller, a Broadway play, and the sequel, a Hollywood movie, making its author a celebrity. What critics did not know was that the nove...