Search results for Reservist.

21 August 1918 : Sgt Sebastian Mitterhofer, 7 Komp, Kgl Bay 10 Inf Regt ‘König'.


He was married with one child.  At the outbreak of the war he was an office worker in Weisenberg, Bavaria. An active reservist, he therefore saw service from the very earliest days of the war.  He was in action from August 1914 in Lorraine, then on the Meuse, at Verdun, the Somme, Arras, Third Ypres, Cambrai, Dixmude and Verdun (1918) to Augus...

29 October 1914 : Pte John Bradley


Living at 113 Sandygate, Burnley at the time of his re-enlistment in August 1914, John had originally seen boy service with the Manchesters since late September 1901. A recalled reservist, he landed in France on 8 October 1914 seeing service in the area of Richebourg. Whilst holding the line in the vicinity of Festubert on 29 October 1914, John'...

21 December 1914 : A/Cpl Simon Bennett


After a number of years as a coal miner, Simon Bennett had enlisted into the army in 1904. After spending most of his service in India, Simon returned home and, while still held on the reserve, he became employed as a miner at the Towneley colliery in Burnley. He had just entered the final year of his reserve commitment (and was temporarily wor...

25 April 1916: Louis Amans Jean dit Vareillese


Louis was a farmer. Louis had completed his compulsory military service in 1907 and was, therefore, an active army reservist upon the outbreak of war. Recalled into service at Rodez on 3 August 1914, Louis saw his first action at Bisping, Moselle, during the Battle of Lorraine on 18 August 1914 where his regiment suffered nearly 50% casualties...

18 April 1916: Pte Sam Naylor


Sam was born in Lancaster in 1877, the son of an agricultural labourer, Sam lived for much of his life in Gargrave, Yorkshire where he worked in a mil or iron foundry.  He was employed in the New Brighton Saw Mills before moving to Accrington, Lancashire where he worked as a moulder at Newbank Works. At the 1911 Census that family lived at 10...

"Soldiers of the Queen in the Great War" - A talk by John Sly


On Wednesday 13th October we return, after the Covid-break, to the The Royal British Legion, Poppy Lounge, at Hornchurch for a talk by Branch Member, John Sly looking at the older veterans that re-enlisted into the Army in the Great War. 7:30 for a 8:00pm start. Suggested entry donation is £3. We will take reasonable anti-Covid measures and woul...