Search results for Rouen.

Brothers In War by Michael Walsh


ISBN: 978 0 09 190884 3  SB426pp £7.99 Published by Elbury Press.   Edited by Michael WalshThis book follows the lives of the eight Beechey brothers, sons of a Lincolnshire vicar and his wife. The boys were part of a family of 14 children. The book is based around letters sent to their widowed mother by the boys, the letters having been preserve...

8 December 1917: Pte John Sugden


  His parents were William Sugden (linen draper) and Eleanor (née Booth)  The five children, two boys and three girls grew up together and were still living at home well into their twenties. With a successful business they moved from a terraced house on Bolton Road, Silsden, to a larger detached house at the other end of the road and finally i...

27 March 1915 : Sgt John Robert Bannister


The son of John Bannister, a nut and bolt maker and his wife Mary Ellen, a cotton weaver. At the 1891 there were somehow a family of six, parents and four children and four lodgers (a mother and her three children) in the same dwelling (11 Gresham Place, Burnley).  John had three younger brothers James, Harry, Gilbert and three younger sisters,...

28 May 1917 : Robert Hilary Lockhart Whitelaw


From Monkland, Nairn, the son of William and Gertrude Whitelaw, their home in 1901 was in Kensington. The Census that April reveals that his mother, then 33 years old, was at home with her four children William, Audrey, Robert and Geoffrey (then 9, 7, 6, 2). They had living with them no fewer than 11 servants: two nurses, three housemaids, a bu...