Search results for Royal Dublin Fusiliers.

074: September 2005


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077: September 2006


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094: May 2012


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The Landings at Sedd-el-Bahr, Gallipoli


One of the most difficult military operations that can be undertaken is that of an opposed amphibious  landing on an enemy shore.  When asked to give an example of this kind of operation, many people will automatically think of the famous and successful 'D-Day' landings in Normandy in 1944. However, April 2021 marks the 106th anniversary of an e...

Albert Perkins - Who Do We Think He Is?


Many members of The Western Front Association will no doubt enjoy watching the BBC’s long-running series ‘Who Do You Think You Are’ (WDYTYA) which is now into its 19th series. The research undertaken to unearth the stories of those relatives of the celebrities who served in the Great War is an obvious point of interest for WFA members. Probably...

‘Whatever Happened to Captain Maurice Francis Healy MC?’ by Denis Kirby


Maurice Francis Healy was born in Dublin on 16 November 1887, the eldest of the three children of Cork solicitor and later MP, Maurice Healy, and his wife Anne. A barrister, writer and occasional broadcaster on the BBC, Maurice Francis Healy is probably best known as the author of ‘The Old Munster Circuit’. Published in March 1934 the book is a...