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Search results for Seaford Training Camp.
22 May 1917 Pte Herbert Killian
Age 13, in 1911, Herbert Killian (or variously Killiven or Killioen) was employed in a nut and bolts works. He lived with his father Michael, a coal miner (hewer), and his mother Margaret, who worked in the cotton mill. Herbert had one older sister and by the time of the 1911 census eight further younger siblings. The family of ten were living...
Release of ‘Mutiny’ : Black British veterans tell their story of the Great War
A secret history of the First World War that the British Empire tried to hide. Black British veterans tell their story of the Great War. Now available on Amazon Prime 102 year old interviewee Gershom Browne Gresham Browne as a solder in 1915- age 18 In 1914 as the Great War began the majority of the British Empire’s non-white population were e...
The life and death of soldiers of West Indian Regiment at Seaford Camp, East Sussex during the First World War
Not such a pretty postcard from the seaside camp at Seaford during the First World War Set up in a hurry in the opening months of the First World War Seaford Camp in Sussex on England's south coast wasn’t ready for its first 10,000 trainees in September 1914 so the men, new recruits into Kitchener's Army from southern Wales and east Lancashire...