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057: January 2000
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061: April 2001
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The Baron and the Barmaid
Sir John French, the commander-in-chief of the BEF until December 1915 was one of the many Anglo-Irish who served in the British Army in the Victorian and Edwardian period. Sir John's family was related to the French/De Freyne family which had settled in County Wexford in the fourteenth century. A distant cousin of Sir John's was Arthur, the 4th...
1 May 1918 : Major Ernest Arthur St George Bedbrook
Ernest Bedbrook was born on 23 April 1879 in Chatham, Kent. He was the son of Rear Admiral James Albert Bedbrook R.N. and Matilda and one of ten children - seven girls and three boys. He was educated at St.George’s College, Wimbledon. Age 11 Ernest was living with his large family at Haresfields, 64 Blarne Kern Road, Battersea. Having receive...