Search results for war planning.

Pandora’s Box: A History of the Great War


By Jörn Leonhard Harvard University Press, £20.62, 1,104 pp, 10 maps, in page ills, notes and refs, bibliog, index. ISBN: 978–067–454–511–3 At two and a quarter inches thick, with 65 pages of notes and references, a bibliography of some 200 pages and a 35–page index, Pandora’s Box appears daunting. Nevertheless, Jörn Leonhard, Professor History...

ONLINE Zoom Meeting - The men who planned the war by Paul Harris


The men who planned the war by Paul Harris We welcome Paul Harris, a leading researcher into leadership during WW1, who will talk about the staff of the British Army on the Western Front 1914-18 and examine the characteristics of the staff and how they and their leadership evolved over the course of the war. For decades the theory of ‘Lions led...

The Fear of Invasion Strategy, Politics, and British War Planning, 1880-1914 By David G. Morgan-Owen


Oxford University Press, £65.00, vi + 250pp, hb, index, notes and refs. ISBN: 978–019–880–519–9 [2022 Prices: £74 Hardback, £25 Paperback, £22 Kindle] [This review first appeared in Stand To! November 2018 Ed. 113 'The Armistice Remembered. Stand To! is the journal of The Western Front Association and is now published four times a year].  Occasi...