Search results for Aubers Ridge.

27 September 1915 : Captain Fergus Bowes-Lyon


Fergus Bowes-Lyon was a Great Uncle of King Charles III.   The Commonwealth War Graves Commission has changed the commemoration for Captain Fergus Bowes-Lyon, an uncle of the late Queen Elizabeth II. Fergus died in France during the Battle of Loos in September 1915 and, until now, had been commemorated by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission o...

Aubers Ridge 9 May 1915: The Unpleasant Truth


For it appears ridiculous to call it so, the 'battle' of Aubers Ridge fits perfectly the stereotypical vision of the British in the Great War: men cut down in their thousands for little or no gain, with only the bravery of the men offering any kind of distraction from the scale of the disaster. Although largely fought by units of the old pre-war...

11 December 1917: Sgt Charles Peachey MM, 1/6th Bn Duke of Wellingtons (W Riding) Regt.


From Settle, Yorkshire, a veteran of the Battle of Aubers Ridge in 1915 and the Somme in 1916, Charles Peachey (by now mentioned in dispatches and promoted to Sergeant and, on occasion, appointed acting Warrant Officer 2nd Class) was awarded the Military Medal for actions during the Battle of Poelcapelle (3rd Ypres) in 1917. He was killed in act...

Aubers Ridge 9 May 1915


  At the end of April 1915 the Sussex Express carried a cheering report from one of its former reporters, Private W G Horton of the 5th Royal Sussex. Seated on a straw bale in “glorious sunshine” at a rest billet 10 miles from the Front, he expressed the optimism of Lewes’s territorials on a beautiful spring day, that the war would soon be over...

The Indian Corps on the Western Front by Simon Doherty and Tom Donovan


Richly illustrated throughout, with clear maps and explanatory plans, many contemporary black and white photographs and a wealth of recent photographs on the ground, as well as colour illustrations, The Indian Corps on the Western Front makes an excellent companion to a trip along that stretch of the Western Front taken over by the Indian Army i...

The Grimson family and the First World War


As with many spheres of life, the arts suffered many losses as a result of the First World War as exemplified by the Grimson family. Samuel Dean Grimson, described as a Professor of Music in the 1881 Census, and his wife, Maria Bonarius, brought up a musical family in London. All seven children (an eighth child died in infancy) became musicians...

Captain Thorold A. Stewart-Jones at Aubers Ridge 9 May 1915


Son of Edward and Emily Pauline Stewart-Jones. (Born 10 July 1873 in Liverpool) A barrister of the Inner Temple, Thorold moved to Lewes in 1908 when his mother had bought Southover Grange. At the 1911 Census, the widowed matriarch Mrs Emily-Pauline Stewart-Jones lived at Southover Grange with son’s family, her daughter-in-law Mrs Eva-Joan Stew...

Aubers Ridge 1915


The branch resumes meetings on Sunday, 5th September 2021. Our speaker will be local member Colin Ellender who will talk on Aubers Ridge 1915. His presentation will be well illustrated with photographs and maps.   As ever, all members and guests are invited to join this gathering at Highworth Community Centre. Doors open c13.40 and the meeting c...

Virtual Tour #2: Aubers 1915. Deadlock, Disappointment and Disaster in Flanders


The second of the new season of 'Virtual Tours' is now available.  Essentially, Aubers was a one day battle, in the form of a pincer attack at Richebourg in support of the French attacks at Vimy and Notre Dame de Lorette.  Described as both  an “unmitigated disaster” and “a serious disappointment” by the Official Historians,  100 years on we fin...

ONLINE VIRTUAL TOUR #2 'Aubers 1915': Deadlock, Disappointment and Disaster in Flanders


This digital virtual tour of the Aubers battlefield will 'go live' on 16 December 2021 at 7.30pm UK time. (There is no pre-registration for this event) Focusing more on the southern attack that took place in 1915, Tour Guide and Historian Julian Whippy will take you across the rather flat virtual battlefields and explain some of the reasons for...

‘The Battle of Aubers Ridge 9th May, 1915’ by Colin Ellender


This talk was originality scheduled for the 20th October 2023 but was cancelled due to ill health. British generals were confident of success at Aubers Ridge, part of the Anglo-French offensive known as the Second Battle of Artois. However, there was a severe lack of artillery and a shortage of shells, many of which were of poor quality. This, t...