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The Battle of the Somme - A Royal Flying Corps perspective
On 1st July 1916, the Battle of the Somme opened. With 60,000 casualties (including 20,000 dead) on the first day, this battle continues to fascinate and appal in equal measure. One aspect of the Battle of the Somme which is less well covered than others is that of the airmen who flew over the area during the summer and autumn of 1916, and later...
What got you interested in the First World War?
Tom Thorpe's opening question on the ‘Mentioned in Dispatches’ podcast series - at least for the last 80+ editions, has been to ask his guest to say who they are and say what got them interested in the First World War. The answers given are as varied as the speakers themselves. At University Most are published historians or authors so it is no...
Albert Perkins - Who Do We Think He Is?
Many members of The Western Front Association will no doubt enjoy watching the BBC’s long-running series ‘Who Do You Think You Are’ (WDYTYA) which is now into its 19th series. The research undertaken to unearth the stories of those relatives of the celebrities who served in the Great War is an obvious point of interest for WFA members. Probably...
Correlli Barnett Remembered 1927-2022
It is with great sadness that we have learned of the death of Correlli Barnett who was the President of The Western Front Association from 1998 to 2011. Born on 28 June 1927, Correlli Douglas Barnett was educated at Trinity School, Croydon and at Exeter College, Oxford. He undertook National Service with the Intelligence Corps between 1945 and...