Search results for Balkans.

Pandora’s Box: A History of the Great War


By Jörn Leonhard Harvard University Press, £20.62, 1,104 pp, 10 maps, in page ills, notes and refs, bibliog, index. ISBN: 978–067–454–511–3 At two and a quarter inches thick, with 65 pages of notes and references, a bibliography of some 200 pages and a 35–page index, Pandora’s Box appears daunting. Nevertheless, Jörn Leonhard, Professor History...

'The Men of Wicklow Parish in The Great War' by John Goodman


In 1916 The Wicklow Newsletter published a roll of honour of the 58 men from Wicklow (CoI) Parish that were serving, or had served, up to that point.  This talk will look at these men and explore their stories and what became of them from The Western Front to The Balkans, the war at sea and in east Africa and beyond.  Their experiences highligh...

The First World War, Vol.1. The Call to Arms by Prof. Sir Hew Strachan


Oxford University press, 2001, £30. ISBN: 0-19- 820877-4  Faced with outstanding reviews of Hew Stachan's book in the Economist, the Daily Telegraph, The Spectator - and by our own President in the Sunday Telegraph - it behoves any lesser reviewer to be cautious when expressing an opinion on this massive new work. But, in reality, the challenge...

War, Journalism and the Shaping of the 20th Century: The Life and Times of Henry W Nevinson by Angela V. John.


L B Taurus, London & New York. £29.50. 246 pp. 2 appendices. Notes, bibliog. Index. 3 maps, 16 ills. ISBN 1-84511-081-9 Henry Nevinson is now far less well known than his painter son CRW Nevinson whose disturbing images of the Great War have become justly renowned whilst Henry's journalism has been largely forgotten. Angela John’s study of...

Ep.231- Yugoslavia in the British imagination during the First World War – Dr Samuel Foster


Dr Samuel Foster, Visiting Fellow in the School of History, University of East Anglia, talks about his new book 'Yugoslavia in the British Imagination: Peace, War and Peasants before Tito' from Bloomsbury.  Your browser does not support the audio element....

A talk by Marko Gasic 'What really happened in the Balkans in 1913'


(Serbian troops marching. Unknown author - Library of Congress Flickr Commons project) Marko is an expert on the Balkans and often comments on TV, radio and in the press. As an editor, he has had a 'major impact on the content and structure' over many years in developing and editing John Zametica's recent...

"The Law of Unintended Consequences: The road to Sarajevo" by Ross Beadle


A bizarre and unlikely chain of events almost totally beyond the control of the Great Powers led to the assassination of Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo in June 1914. And had it happened ten or even five years earlier, the assassination would not have even mattered a jot. This talk examines the sequence of chance events of the preceding 36 years, an...

Before the Music Sounded – the Naval Career of Baron Georg Von Trapp


Our July talk is Michael O’Brien on the naval career of Baron Georg von Trapp. Best known as the stern father in the musical ‘The Sound of Music,’ Von Trapp was originally more famous for being Austria-Hungary’s leading submarine ace in the First World War. The talk examines his fighting record and the unique links of the Trapp family to Britain...