Search results for Court Martial.

040: Spring 1994


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Drunk as a Lord? The dismissal and redemption of Lord Edward Seymour


Cambrai - Attack and stalemate The British attack at Cambrai on 20 November 1917 is well known for the mass-use of tanks for the first time. This operation, initially highly successful, was originally intended to be little more than a large-scale raid, but evolved into a much more ambitious affair. Whilst the use of tanks has made this action fa...

Sentenced to Death. The Public Record Office Court Martial Files.


[This article originally appeared in Gun Fire No.31. It has been lightly edited for the purposes of publishing on the WFA's website. Illustrations have been added that did not appear in the original. All of these magazines are now available to WFA members via the Member Login. Joining the Western Front Association gives you access not only to th...

ONLINE: The Court Martial of Willie Stones and the 'DLI 6'


The presentation will be live and online. This is a recreation by WFA volunteers of the transcript of two courts martial. The first is the famous case of Willie Stones (who famously claimed he blocked the trench with his rifle to stop pursuing Germans) and the second is a "mass" court martial of six men from the DLI. These are delivered "back to...

The King Crater Incident and the Courts Martial : November / December 1916


The Bantam Division is the stuff of legend. Its correct military designation was 35th Division but it was associated with the eponymous fighting cock because its twelve infantry battalions were composed of short but robust, tough soldiers. They were raised in a blaze of publicity in 1914, embodied as a division in 1915, joined the British Expedi...

22 April 1915 : Pte Albert Troughton


Albert was the son of Nathaniel Troughton (a coal miner) and Ann Elizabeth (née Warner)  At the 1901 Census that family lived at 59 Eden Street, Coventry At the time of the 1911 Census (and of their son’s death) Nathaniel, Ann and other members of the family lived at 14 Ash Grove, Stoney Station Road, Coventry. Albert was one of three boys and...

ONLINE - Discipline within the AIF on the Western Front by Greg Stephens


Greg’s presentation explores why the Australians had the worst discipline record in the British Army during the First World War. He will discuss the roots and causes of poor discipline within the AIF, comparisons with other countries, and importantly whether this issue had any impact on their ability to be an effective fighting force. At the hea...