Search results for Douglas Haig.

093: December 2011/January 2012


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The Chief: Douglas Haig and the British Army


Reviewed by David Filsell. In the last four years three new biographies of Douglas Haig have been published. Each, of the works helps mark the fact that the Field Marshal is being seen not as ‘butcher and bungler’ but as a figure of historical importance and deserving of sober unemotional analysis. Douglas Haig’s post-Great War reputation has fo...

106: July 2016 Special Edition


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Douglas Haig War Diaries and Letters 1914-1918


ISBN: 0 297 84702 3  HB 550 pages £25.00  Published by Weindenfeld & Nicholson.  Edited by Gary Sheffield & John Bourne.  No one General has suffered such vilification over the years as Douglas Haig. In this most recent edited version of his famous, some would say infamous diaries the reader at last comes to see the man for what he was,...

‘Understanding’ The 1991 Presidential Address delivered by the Honorary President John Terraine


[This article first appeared in Stand To! 34 Spring 1992 pp7-12] I think I have to begin with an apology today. It is addressed to any of you who may have come to this meeting hoping that they would be hearing about the Aisne, the Department of Northern France named after a quiet, pretty river, noted for its fishing, which in 1914 became the sce...

1914-1918 Essays on Leadership & War by John Terraine : Introduction by Correlli Barnett


The articles that made up 'Leadership & War' were edited by Ann Clayton, in 1998 the Honorary Editor of Stand To! the Journal, The Western Front Association with an introduction by Correlli Barnett, the newly appointed Honorary President, The Western Front Association. 'Leadership & War' was published in September 1998 by the Trustees of...

British Corps Commanders in the Great War


As identified by Andrew Simpson in his PhD thesis,[1] there is remarkably little written about British Corps command in the Great War and for this reason the role of Corps is possibly not as clear as it should be. Although falling outside the scope of this article, it is clear that in the latter years of the 19th Century and the early years of t...

Staring at God: Britain in the Great War by Simon Heffer


Penguin Random House  £30 914pp, bibliog, ills, notes and refs, index. ISBN: 9781847948311  By Simon Heffer  Before offering my opinion of this book, I own up to reading the publishers press release which, as always, accompanied it. It offered the opinions of reviewers from leading magazines and the national press.  The views selected were, as i...

Remembering Correlli Barnett by Prof Peter Simkins


When I was a young, and very green, military historian in the early 1960s, three or four figures in particular loomed largest in my personal horizons. They included Michael Howard, who was then doing so much to establish war studies; Basil Liddell Hart, for whom I worked as an archivist and research assistant in 1962 and 1963; John Terraine, who...