Editor’s Introduction
- War Horse Michael Morpurgo
Communications Lines (Letters to the Editor)
- The Devonshires
- Barnsley Pals chaplain
Charlie: the Mysterious Death and Reburial of Major C E Sutcliffe by Gordon MacKinnon
Learning Curves and Opportunity Curves on the Western Front by Mike Senior
The Camera Returns (75) Framerville-Rainecourt by Bob Grundy and Steve Wall
A Literary Collaboration: Henry Williamson, Cyril Beaumont and Randolph Schwabe by Jeremy Archer
Shipping Losses off the Coast of the North East of England 1914-1918 by David Thompson
War Art - Walter Percival Starmer (1877-1961) by David and Judith Cohen
‘Obviously All Was Lost’ - The Life and Death of Edward Revere Osler by Peter Starling
The Broadmarsh Crater - Vimy Canadian Memorial Site 'Then and Now' by Phillip Robinson
Walter Fuller's War by Adrian Watkinson and Diana Beaupré
Remembering the Great War at St.Bridget's Church, Brean, Somerset by Ray Westlake
The Burial of German Military War Dead on the Western Front by Dr. David Payne
Garrison Library (First World War books reviewed)
- The Chief: Douglas Haig and the British Army by Gary Sheffield.
- Kut 1916: Courage and failure in Iraq by Patrick Crowley
- Under the Devil's Eye by Alan Wakefield and Simon Moody
- Blood and Iron: Letters from the Western Front by Hugh Montagu Butterworth (Edited by Jon Cooksey)
- A Tommy at Ypres. Walter's War. The Diary and Letters of Walter Williamson compiled by Doreen Priddey
- Captain Hepper's Great War Diary 1916-1919. A Battalion of the West Yorkshire Regiment on the Somme during the First World War by F Nigel Hepper (Ed.)
- Horsemen in No Man’s Land. British Cavalry & Trench Warfare 1914-1918 by David Kenyon
- The Diary of an Artillery Officer: the 1st Canadian Divisional Artillery on the Western Front. Major Arthur Hardie Bick DSO by Peter Hardie Dick (Ed.)
- The Underground War: Vimy Ridge to Arras (Volume I) by Philip Robinson and Nigel Cave
- Artillery in the Great War by Paul Strong and Sanders Marble
- Fromelles 1916: No Finer Courage: The Loss of an English Village by Michael Senior
- The Battle of Flanders: German Defeat on the Lys 1918 by Chris Baker
- The Battle of the Lys 1918: Givenchy and the River Lawe by Phil Tomaselli
- The Dead of Mametz by Jonathan Hicks
- A Major Soldier, The Military Career of Frank Bailey DCM by Ted Bailey
- The Faithful, the Fallen and the Forgotten. Sons pf the Rhins in the Great War 1914-1918 by Julia Macdonald
- Pill Boxes on the Western Front: A Guide to the Design, Construction and the use of Concrete Pill Boxes, 1914-1918 by Peter Oldham
- The Great War and the Making of the Modern World by Jeremy Black
Short Notices
- Doing my Duty: Corporal Elmer Dewy - one National Guard Doughboy’s Experience During the Pancho Villa Campaign and World War I by Stephen Banks
- Valhalla. The Western Front August - December 1917. ‘D’ Company 2/6th Manchester Regiment by Bob Bonner
- Herbert at War 1914-18. Volunteers in September 1914. The Story in his words edited by John Ewing
- Walking the Somme: Second Edition by Paul Reed
- Growing Remembrance: The Story of the National Arboretum by David Child
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