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083: August/September 2008
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The Armistice at Home and Abroad : 11 November 1918
The Armistice at Home and Abroad Armistice Day’s rejoicing spread throughout Britain at remarkable speed as the simple messages on the reverse of this postcard underline: What do you think of this - do you know all of them. Bert calls them Chiltern Terrace Washer Women. The date is on when they were taken. Some excitement. The date is almost ce...
Online Talk -The 9th Battalion East Surrey Regiment and the German Spring Offensive March 1918 by Neil Rosoman
Neil will be talking about the 9th Battalion of the East Surrey Regiment at Maissemy, near St Quentin during the first week of the German Spring Offensive in March. The story of how a typical front-line Battalion fought for their lives under the most tremendous pressure to stand and hold as long as they could to give the reserves time to meet th...
Online Zoom Meeting - Frontline medic - Captain George Pirie, RAMC by Michael Lucas
Online Zoom Meeting - Frontline medic - Captain George Pirie, RAMC by Michael Lucas Captain Pirie was Regimental Medical officer from May to September 1915 with the Hampshire’s then Royal Fusiliers, 29th Division, on Gallipoli, where he was wounded. He was then RMO on the Western Front with 9th Btn East Surrey Regt, 24th Division from December...
Fletching Church: Where Soldiers of the Great War Sleep
St. Andrew and St. Mary the Virgin is the parish church of Fletching, a charming little village in East Sussex, which nestles in the Weald around 13 miles north of the South Downs and borders the southern edge of the Ashdown Forest. It is thought that Fletching was founded in the late 5th century AD as an Anglo-Saxon fort. It appears in the Dome...
Boy Soldiers of the Great War Revisited by Richard van Emden
[This wonderful article first appeared in the April 2022 edition of Stand To! It is shared here by way of example of the quality of articles members enjoy in every edition of our journal]. Shortly before my father died in 2002, he had a book published that he had been working on since the late 1970s (it was on the Old French epic The Song of Ro...
"The Journey's End Battalion - The 9th East Surrey's at Lens, 1918" by Sean Cripps
Whilst much has been written about the Pals battalions drawn from the northern parts of the United Kingdom, relatively little is known about Service Battalions raised in the south. This talk will focus on one such unit, the 9th (Service) Battalion of the East Surrey Regiment. The first part will provide an overview of the formation and experienc...