Search results for Hundred Days.

The Imperial War Museum Book of the Somme


Book Review by Bob Butcher. It was with a certain feeling of 'We've been here before' that I opened this book, afterall, had not so many already explored the Somme from every angle? Moreover I am not too keen on books consisting largely of personal accounts, valuable though these may be. Nonetheless I had not turned many pages before I became en...

096: January 2013


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‘1918-2018: The End of the War and the Re-Shaping of a Century’ 6-8 September


‘1918-2018: The End of the War and the Re-Shaping of a Century’   This important and unique conference will be taking place between the 6-8 September 2018 at the University of Wolverhampton. Seven keynote addresses from some of the leading academic authorities on the First World War and its aftermath will be at the heart of the conference, alon...

The Final Offensive : The 1993 Presidential Address delivered by the Honorary President John Terraine


[This article first appeared in Stand To! 40 pp 5-11] When the Armistice came on 11 November, seventy-five years ago, it took a great many people (including some who should have known better) entirely by surprise and when it proved also to be the end of the War in Europe they were surprised once more. Having failed to perceive it coming, disbeli...

Ep. 98 – Australian Corps Operations during the Hundred Days – Richard Stobo


Richard Stobo talks about, ‘The Australian Victories in France in 1918? An Examination of Australian Corps Operations during the Hundred Days’. This talk was given as part of the ‘End of the War & the Reshaping of a Century’ conference held at the University of Wolverhampton in September last year....

Ep. 99 – The German Army in 1918 – Jack Sheldon


Historian Jack Sheldon talks about the performance and collapse of the German Army during the Hundred Days in 1918. Your browser does not support the audio element.

Ep. 109 – Operation Delta – Dr Bill Stewart


Dr Bill Stewart talks about the Canadian Corp’s Operation Delta and how it shaped operations during the 100 Days in 1918. Your browser does not support the audio element.

ONLINE: The Canadian Corps in the Hundred Days: Two talks by Tim Cook and Bill Stewart


The presentation will be live and online.  We are delighted that we will be able to bring you two talks - both on the Canadian Corps in the Hundred Days. In the first presentation, Dr Bill Stewart will bring us 'Tubes, Typewriters, Trucks and Training 1918: The Canadian Corps' Advantages' Bill will examine the multiple ways in which the Canadi...

ONLINE VIRTUAL TOUR #5 Mont St Quentin 1918: 'A necessary feat of arms?'


This digital virtual tour of the Australian attack at Peronne during the Hundred Days offensive will 'go live' on 10 February 2022 at 7.30pm UK time. (There is no pre-registration for this event) Pushing ahead during the advance to victory in the late summer of 1918 brought its own problems to the Allies. One of those was the rapidly progressing...

Virtual Battlefield Tour 24th February: 'Yorkshiremen, Highlanders and Champagne: The Attack on the Ardre Valley July 1918'


The final 'Virtual Battlefield Tour' in this series will be going live on Thursday 24 February. We will be visiting 'virtually' a rarely-visited battlefield that was significant as it was arguably the true start of the 'Hundred Days' campaign, involving two territorial divisions sandwiched between French troops and an Italian Division.  Taking p...

Ep.250. p1 – Sir Henry Rawlinson – Prof. Robin Prior


Historian and author Professor Robin Prior, visiting Research Fellow at the University of Adelaide, talks about the Great War career of British general Sir Henry Rawlinson who served in the British Expeditionary Force on the Western Front. Your browser does not support the a...

Ep.292 – The 6th Div in the GW – Dr Peter Hodgkinson


Historian, clinical psychologist and author Dr Peter Hodgkinson talks about his recent book A Complete Orchestra of War. This is a history of the 6th Division on the Western Front during the First World War. Your browser does not support the audio element....

Ep.322 – The 21st Division in World War I – Dr Derek Clayton


Author and historians Dr Derek Clayton talks about his book To Do the Work of Men : An Operational History of the 21st Division in the Great War. Your browser does not support the audio element. The 21st Division was formed in September 19...

Ep.328 LECTURE : Why the Allies won the Great War – Prof Mark Connelly


We delve into the intricacies of the First World War with Mark Connelly from the University of Kent and explore the question: 'Why did the Allies emerge victorious?' In this thought-provoking lecture, historian Prof. Mark Connelly takes us on a journey through the annals of history, offering insights into the strategic, political, and human fac...