Search results for Kaiserschlacht.

Best Love to All: The letters and diaries of Captain Eric-Rigby Jones, MC and Bar and his Experiences as a Young Officer with the Liverpool Pals on the Western Front in 1917 and 1918


Reviewed by Phil Curme. The soldier’s experience during the First World War is far from neglected. The number of biographical accounts and published diaries from the First World War so voluminous one might think, there is nothing left to be said. However, every soldier fought his own war and their stories are as varied as the personalities of th...

‘1918-2018: The End of the War and the Re-Shaping of a Century’ 6-8 September


‘1918-2018: The End of the War and the Re-Shaping of a Century’   This important and unique conference will be taking place between the 6-8 September 2018 at the University of Wolverhampton. Seven keynote addresses from some of the leading academic authorities on the First World War and its aftermath will be at the heart of the conference, alon...

111: March 2018 Special Edition


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The Accrington Pals’ ‘Dug-Out’ of Distinction – Lieutenant-Colonel Arthur Wilmot Rickman


On 16 October 1925, 51 year-old Lieutenant-Colonel Arthur Wilmot Rickman had alighted from his car in the garage of his Coombe Bissett home when his clothing caught in the fly-wheel of the petrol engine which generated lighting for the house. His gardener freed him, but Rickman’s injuries were so extensive that he haemorrhaged to death on his la...

ONLINE: 'Ludendorff Offensives (Mar-Jul 1918)' by Prof David Stevenson


Caption: (L-R) Hindenburgh, Kaiser Wilhelm II and Ludendorff in Avesnes, Northern France, March 1918. About this talk: this talk looks at the Ludendorff Offensives - also known as the Kaiser's Battle ('Kaiserschlacht'), or the German Spring Offensive - which took place from March to July 1918. Initially, it tested the Allies to their limits and...

Of No Earthly Use. The 2nd Line Territorial Force Divisions and the Western Front 1914–18 by K W Mitchinson


(Helion, 2021) £29.95, paperback, 301 pages inc maps, index, notes and refs. plus 18 pages full colour photographs. ISBN 978–1–914059–95–7 Buy a copy now >  Since 1995, Bill Mitchinson has been producing meticulously researched books on some of the less fashionable units of the British Army in the early 20th century, es...

Nobody of any importance


"Nobody of Any Importance" - Phil Sutcliffe Sam Sutcliffe served at Gallipoli, on the Somme, at Arras, and was taken POW during the 1918 Kaiserslacht.  His son, Phil, will be reading from Sam's personal memoir of his time during the Great War and of his impoverished  in London.