Search results for Menin Road.

Passchendaele - The Untold Story


Book review by Gary Sheffield. With the publication in 1992 of Command on the Western Front, Robin Prior and Trevor Wilson immediately took their place among the foremost authorities on the British Army of the Great War. Their cool analysis, based on impressive labours in the archives, was far removed from the crude 'lions led by donkeys' stereo...

Haig’s Tower of Strength: General Sir Edward Bulfin – Irelands’ Forgotten General


By John Powell Pen and Sword, £25.00, 240pp, 33 ills, 10 maps, glossary, notes and bibliog, index. ISBN: 978–152–672–260–7 My grandfather would have called General Edward Bulfin a man with ‘ballast’; a workman, capable, unshowy and determined. Rather than earning his commission at Sandhurst, he entered the army from the militia, did not attend S...

Hooge Tunnel, Essex Farm and other drawings by Tony Spagnoly


Tony Spagnoly sent the following drawings. They were made in 1917 by a member of the 69th Field Ambulance and have to do with the Ypres area in 1917. The first has some notes on it which might be difficult to decipher, so here they are The School Mennin [sic] Gate This School has been the dumping ground for German shells for over three years. Si...

Ep. 174 – Ypres and its meaning through time – Prof Mark Connelly & Dr Stefan Goebel


Professor Mark Connelly, Professor of Modern British History, University of Kent and Dr Stefan Goebel, Reader and Director of the Centre for the History of War, Media and Society, University of Kent, talk about their recent book on Ypres. This is published by OUP. Your brow...