Search results for NCOs.

124 : October 2021


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Out Now ! Stand To ! No. 124 An introduction and Contents


This is the fourth edition of Stand To! this year - one more than usual, and something we will do every year from now on, with four editions of Stand To! each year and three editions of Bulletin.  Stand To! Editor Matt Leonard writes that ‘the extra edition allows for more of your research to be published and gives further room for topics that g...

'Leaders: the British Infantry NCO in the Great War; a Reappraisal' a talk by Dr Tom Greenshields


Based on the speaker's ongoing research, it is argued that studies of leadership and command in the Great War have concentrated too much on officers and failed to recognise adequately the crucial role played by NCOs. This slightly provocative talk aims to redress the balance and stimulate debate. Tom is a retired Civil Servant, having retired in...

133: March 2024


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