Welcome to the March edition of Stand To! with an introduction and apology for the slight delay from the editor. We'll still have four editions in 2024! 



Operation HAGEN: Ludendorff’s Flawed Master Plan to Win the First World War by David Zabecki 


The Camera Returns by Bob Grundy and Steve Wall 


The Sacking of Major General Sir William Douglas by Michael Lucas 


Justice Unleavened by Mercy: The fate of Private Loader by Harry Potter 


Conscription and Reform of the British Penal System by Frances Hurd 


Machine Guns and the Battle of Messines by Greg O’Reilly and Jeffrey McNeill 


Being an account of the military careers of the Kick family in the Great War by Michael O’Brien 


Fighting Over A Corner of A Not-Forgotten Field: Two men on opposite sides of the line during the Battle of Ginchy by James Wearn, Jenny Martin (with Helen Basson) 


Colin Hardy Award Winner for 2023: Lizzie Kenyon-Muir. To what extent was the First World War the main reason for the enfranchisement of women in Britain? 


Colin Hardy Award Runner-up for 2023: Arthur Beresford-Jones. Did the First World War create greater unity or more tension between ethnic components of empires fighting on the Eastern Front? 


Garrison Library (Book Reviews) 


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