Search results for POW.

051: January 1998


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069: January 2004


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Allied POWs in German Hands 1914 - 1918 (Images of War).


  Reviewed by Timothy Heck. Allied POWs in German Hands, 1914-1918 is an engaging collection of short chapters and contemporary photographs of life as a prisoner of the Germans in the Great War from capture to the end of captivity. David Bilton, a Western Front Association member and a prolific writer of World War I histories, has collected a va...

Allied POWs in German Hands 1914 - 1918 (Images of War). (1)


  Bilton, David.  Pen and Sword. ISBN: 1473867010.   Allied POWs in German Hands, 1914-1918 is an engaging collection of short chapters and contemporary photographs of life as a prisoner of the Germans in the Great War from capture to the end of captivity. David Bilton, a Western Front Association member and a prolific writer of World War I hist...

11 December 1917: Pte William Robert Simons


William Simons was born at South Wigston, Leicestershire in 1892. Moving to Sutton-in-Craven, Yorkshire, William was employed as a spinning overlooker and was a keen member of a local brass band. He lived with his father on Wighill Street.  William enlisted in the local territorials (with whom he was a member of the regimental band) and he was...

113: October 2018 Special Edition


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ONLINE : Branch Zoom Meeting 19/09/20


Email WFA Branch ZOOM Saturday 19th September   Location : Zoom Online : Meeting ID: 857 1386 5706 : Passcode: 968771   Welcome and Introduction to Zoom meetings                         JD “remembrance” . A local Soldier remembered....

British Prisoner of War Deaths: a case study from one PoW camp


Lidzbark Warminski, previously known as Heilsberg, is a town in northern Poland. In 1918, the area was part of East Prussia and was the location of one German's most easterly prisoner of war camps. The Heilsberg camp contained mainly Russian and Rumanian prisoners, with British and Commonwealth POWs only a small proportion of the camp population...

The latest edition of the journal of The Western Front Association Stand To! 117 is out now.


Members have just received their latest edition of our journal, Stand To! The contents are listed below.   Members also have access to the entire archive of Stand To! Contents  2–3             Communication Lines (correspondence with the editor) 4–6  ‘Shoppee’s Tower’: The Importance of a Nieuport Church Tower in October 1914 by Luc...

117 : February 2020


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British Prisoners of War in First World War Germany by Oliver Wilkinson


Cambridge University Press, £66.99 hb (Amazon 2018), 322pp, 25 ills, incl. abbreviations, bibliog., index.  Also available as Kindle edition. ISBN: 978–110–719–942–2 [First reviewed in Stand To! No.112 June 2018]  The numbers of prisoners of war, on all sides, proved to be a major aspect of twentieth century warfare. Not least over 185,000 Briti...

The First RFC Pilot to land in France 13 August 1914


At 6.25am on 13 August 1914, No.2 Squadron Royal Flying Corp mobilised for France. They were to follow their commanding officer Major C J Burke, a pioneer of military aviation who was noted for his courage and who had not only insisted that his squadron be the first to leave – but that his aircraft be the first to land. Major Charles Burke, a p...

ONLINE: The Escape Artists with Neal Bascomb


The presentation will be live and online.  In the winter trenches and skies of World War I, soldiers and pilots alike might avoid death, only to find themselves imprisoned in Germany’s archipelago of POW camps, often in abominable conditions. The most infamous was Holzminden, a land-locked Alcatraz of sorts that housed the most troublesome, esca...

2 January 1915 : L/Cpl Henry Bint


Henry was born 13 October 1893 Inkpen, Hungerford, Berkshire. His father was Charles Bint (a general labourer born in Essex) and his mother Charlotte Blint. His siblings at the 1901 census were Walter (born 1886), Ellen, Edith, Sidney (born 1896) and Herbert (born 1900). Indicative of their traveller lifestyle the children were born variously in...

‘A Foot Soldier’s War’ with Phil Sutcliffe


We welcome Phil Sutcliffe he his an author and historian of the First World War.  Phil will be talking to us about his Dad, Sam Sutcliffe and the book he wrote about him titled Nobody Of Any Importance. This is a soldier's memoir of the First World War which covers Gallipoli, the Somme , the Spring Offensive and eight Months as a prisoner of wa...

'Nobody of Any Importance' - Phil Sutcliff


Tuesday 26th April - Phil Sutcliffe speaks about his father's autobiography 'Nobody of Any Importance'  A Foot soldier's Memoir of World War One. Phil's father, Sam Sutcliffe, was a World War One 'Tommy.' He enlisted at the age of 16 in the 2/1st Royal Fusiliers in September 1914 and subsequently fought at Gallipoli the following year. He then f...

Addison Barnes Perrott Hadden MC - South Irish Horse in the First World War


For many years, I have had in my sewing basket the buttons from the uniform of the South Irish Horse and the cap badge of the Officer Training Corps (OTC)from Trinity College Dublin. These were given to me by my grandmother with reference to my grandfather, “who had received a medal” in the First World War. She did not describe what he had done....

Germans on the Run; from Tsingtao to Skipton


Prof. Anne Buckley: Germans on the Run; from Tsingtao to Skipton The little-known escape story of two German POWs from Fukuoka in 1915 in which they spent a year on the run and almost circumnavigated the globe. The men were two of the 4,700 Germans taken prisoner by the Japanese following the Siege of Tsingtao in November 1914. A year later, fiv...