This is a 'Special Edition of Stand To! 'Lest We Forget 1918-2018 The Armistice Remembered'.
‘The Empire Strokes Back’ BEF Logistic and Engineering Preparations and Development for the Advance to Victory, 1918 by Rob Thompson
Feeding Victory Food and British Victory in the First World War by Professor Eric Grove
The Croix de Guerre Battalion 6/Royal Highland Regiment (The Black Watch) in the Battle of Tardenois, July 1918 by Chris Noble
The Camera Returns (95) by Bob Grundy and Steve Wall
Missing at Arras, Lost in Persia A Family’s Tragedy by Richard Thompson for Judith Ley
The Battle of Cambrai - No, Not that One! by Jack Sheldon
‘Brothers in Arms’ Breaking the Hindenburg Line by Clive Harris
Anglo-French Views of the American Army in the Autumn of 1918 by A D Harvey
Through a Soldier’s Lens Jack Speed’s Great War Photography by Jana Meye and Heather Potter
The End. The German Army in Autumn 1918 by Sebastian Laudan
The US 2nd Division at Blanc Mont Ridge by Major General (retired) David T Zabecki
Crossing the Sambre: 4 November 1918 by Derek Clayton
The New Zealand Division in 1918 by Christopher Pugsley
All Over Bar the Shouting 11 November 1918 by Peter Hart
Reflections on 11 November 198 by Paul Cobb
After the Armistice GHS, Command and Celebrations in the Days following the End of the War by James Benn
The Post-Armistice Collection, Identification and Burial of the Dead by David McGregor
‘Nix Mear Gefangener’ The Return of British Prisoners of War after the Armistice by Simon Fowler
One Hell of a Row. A War Widow’s Pension by John and David Lea
‘To Keep the Faith’ John McCrae, Moina Michale and the Flanders Poppy by Diana Beaupre and Adrian Watkinson
Garrison Library: World War I book reviews.
- Echi Nel Silenzio: Paesaggi della Grande Guerra dal Garda al Pasubio (Landscapes of the Great War from the Race to the Pasubio) by Andrew Contrini and Fernando Larcher.
- George Butterworth: Soldier and Composer by Lawrence Green.
- Lloyd George: Statesman or Scoundrel by Richard Wilkinson
- Learning to Fight: Military Innovation and Change in the British Army, 1914–1918 by Aimee Fox
- 1918: Winning the War, Losing the War by Matthias Strohn (Ed.O)
- Régina Diana: Seductress, Singer, Spy by Vivien Newman and David A S Semararo
- Eyewitnesses at the Somme: A Muddy and Bloody Campaign, 1916–1918 by Tim Cook
- Reluctant Warriors: Canadian Conscripts and the Great War by Colonel Patrick M Dennis
- The Battle That Won the War: Bellenglise: Breaching the Hindenburg Line 1918 by Peter Rostron
- The Last Battle: Endgame on the Western Front 1918 by Peter Hart
- Pioneers of Armour in the Great War by David A Finlayson and Michael K Cecil
- Pouring with Rain – Troops Fed Up: British Second Army and the Liberation Offensive in Flanders 1918 by Dennis Williams
- The Somme 1916: Touring the French Sector by David O’Mara
- The American Expeditionary Forces in the Great War – Meuse–Argonne 1918: Breaking the Line by Maaten Otte
- British Children’s Literature and the First World War: Representations since 1914 by David Budgen
- Welsh at War: From Mons to Loos & the Gallipoli Tragedy by Steven John
- Welsh at War: The Grinding War – The Somme & Arras by Steven John
- Welsh at War: Through Mud to Vic by Steven John
- The First World War Battlefield Guide: Volume 1, The Western Front (2nd edition June 2015) by Major General Mungo Melvin CB OBE (Ed.)
- The First World War Battlefield Guide, Volume 2: The British Army Campaign Guide to the Forgotten Fronts of the First World War Creative Media Designs, Army Headquarters, by Colonel John Wilson Conuslting Editor Colonel Michael Crawshaw
- The 48th (South Midland) Division 1908–1919 by K W Mitchinson
- The Battle of the Selle: Fourth Army Operations on the Western Front by Peter Hodgkinson
- Fourth Army Operations at the Battle of the Selle 9–24 October 1918: A Battlefield Guide by Peter Hodgkinson
- Bad Teeth No Bar: a History of Military Bicycles in the Great War by Colin Kirsch
- The Forgotten War of the Royal Navy: Baltic Sea 1918 – 1920 by Michal Glock
- Baptism of Fire – The Royal Flying Corps at War: The First Year in France by Alex Revell
- The Great War’s Finest: An Operational History of the German Air Service. Vol 1 by Matt Bowden
- Zeppelin Onslaught: The Forgotten Blitz 1914–1915 by Ian Castle
- Combat over the Trenches. Oswald Watt, Aviation Pioneer by Chris Clarke
- The Fear of Invasion: Strategy, Politics and British War Planning, 1880–1914 by David G Morgan-Owen
- The Kaiser’s First POWs by Philip Chinnery
- First World War Military Service Tribunals: Warwick District Appeal Tribunal, 1916–1918 by Philip and Julie Spinks (Eds.)
- Aftermath: 1918–1924, Years that Shaped the Twentieth Century by Graham Berry
- The Man who saved Paris – Roger West’s Ride 1914 by Michael Carragher
- A Flintshire Territorial at War 1914–18 by H Maldwyn Davies
- Keeping Their Beacons Alight: The Potter Family of Barnsley and their Service to Our Country by Jane Ainsworth in collaboration with Jean Copley and Ian Potter
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